Contemporary Issue

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Title of your speech:  Teenage Suicide

Date and Venue to be Delivered:  September 10, 2021 at Canaman Plaza

Target Occasion: World Suicidal Prevention Day

Target Audience:  Everyone 

Purpose: To be able to share my thoughts and inform others in this kind of matter

Expected Outcome: This speech would somehow make an impact to the listeners


Suicide is result of a mental health illnesses like depression it is an act of ending your own life, lots of people done this because this is their way to end and escape their pain and suffering. This behavior is not just happening in our country but it is a global problem because of increasing rate of suicide from different part of the world and most of its percentage were teenager/students. Why people especially the youth came up in this kind of act? Lack of attention? or maybe they just feel alone and left behind and how we will address this kind of social issue.

One of the things we should be aware are the risk factors, the signs and preventive method on suicidal act, first we should understand what suicide is, by doing this we informing ourselves on the factual reality that this issue is not just a myth but really happens in our community.

Thesis Statement:

  By knowing the risk factors, the signs and protective methods it will allows us especially the teenagers who undergo to a mental problems, and strengthen their connection and bond to their family to overcome the challenges they're going through.

Supporting Argument/s:

Having social interaction with others, especially your family is really important


Here in the Philippines there is also lot of suicide cases, many of people don't believe in the idea why people tries to kill themselves some of them continue to stigmatized the cause of it which is depression saying that this kind of mental illness is not illness at all, but lack of faith they always connects this kind of issues in religious belief. For me depression is real and it could affect anyone of us especially those people who facing struggles in life. Last time I watched the news there is a student committed suicide because he did not able to pass his modules on time and he tried to pleased his teacher but he still got rejected, and then he killed himself. This is just one of the example of a teenage suicide case here in our country but What is the common reason/s why students would want to commit suicide? Suicide appears to zoomed in the current generation of young people now a days, for me one of the reason of it was the influence of social media, some adolescence spend their time in social media and I believe that it really affect their behavior when adolescence had indirect and direct exposure to a suicide behavior of someone in social media (even in real life) it could increase their suicidal thought and behavior and could lead to risk of doing it as well. Another example of reason why students want to commit suicide is when they got bullied in school, traumatizing moments and events in their life would affect their behavior and how they see situations, they will feel more less a person , they will lose self-esteem and become more pessimistic and it could lead to depression as well and another reason is academic pressure when they want to meet the expectation of their parents to them in school like being on top, or having high grades but in the end they failed to do so, it could trigger anxiety and depression that could lead to suicidal thoughts. But I think the mostly reason why they committed suicide is being in a loss valued relationship of someone they really love like girlfriends/boyfriend, relatives and family, they don't know how to fix everything and feel broken.

Main point 1: There are increasing rate of teenage suicide in our country

sub-point 1: Some people don't believe that mental health issues such as depression existed

sub-point 2: Some continue to stigmatize the cause of it

sub-point 3: They always connects this kind of issue in a religious belief

Main point 2: Depression is a real issue

sub-point 1: Anyone could experience such issues if we are not aware

sub-point 2: It affect the behavior of one individual that sometimes lead to suicidal thoughts

sub-point 3: when you have depression, understanding from someone is really important

Main point 3:  Social media is a big platform that could influence the youth

sub-point 1: Cyber bullying is also one of the reason that could lead to suicide

sub-point 2: Social media has indirect effect to the adolescence

sub-point 3: Social media has also a direct effect to the behavior of the youth


Sometimes people tend to see difficulties and struggles in life seems never end, but it is really important to realized that it is not the end of everything, with the help of someone you loved, your life could be back in what it is supposed to be, you could overcome your depression, anxiety and mental problems by loving yourself as well. Challenges in life will pass we just need to be more patient and strong enough to be able to continue and move on.

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