Social Injustice

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As part of social awareness forum, what is your understanding in social injustice? As a student, do you fee that there is such? In what way can we give justice to stop this in our circulation?

What is social injustice? It is a condition that occur when there is preventable problems in  terms of differences in an specific states among a population of people (like status, health etc.). In my own understanding social injustice was the result of having social inequality ‌Do I feel there is such? Yes, Definitely especially to the poor people of the society. They experiences unfair treatment ; example health access, employment and many more. It's about human rights that manifested in our daily life. Some people might not see that such thing existed or they just pretending that there are no such thing, but when you in the situation of majority who experience the social injustice you would be aware about the situation and it's impact to people. As a student I don't have much power to create a big change about the social injustice in our country but I have the voice that I can used to inspired the youth/and others that would somehow contribute and help others to be more aware and open-minded, that social injustice are real, it really existed and it affect us people. I can also help by supporting different campaigns like gender equality that is timely relevant now a days, and supporting diversity among individual by accepting each other's differences , like culture and beliefs. It is really not difficult to be the voice of the society now a days because we have different platforms in social media that everyone could access. In what way it could prevent? The government and us people must help each other to eliminate the primary problems on our country, one of that is the poverty , the government should also provide more jobs to help their people. And us individual we must educate ourselves to be aware on the different issues in our society, we must know are rights as the citizen of this country. And If there's such thing as social injustice that is preventable we should stand for it, and take positive action to prevent the injustice in our community

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