Chapter 3 - USJ Panic

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"": All Might

"": speaking


Musutafu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan: UA.

Approaching USJ


The bus ride was long, the class were engrossed in open conversation with themselves as the trundled along the unnerving Road.

The class were excited, a lesson solely based on what it truly means to be a hero. Rescue training was on the menu class 1-A, and they weren't going to miss it.

Izuku, however, wasn't as hyperactive as the others. Last night's dilemma still played on his mind, his right hand, his writing hand, still has the iridescent glow from when he awoke last night. He was lucky he had his hero costume with him as they were told to come in wearing them - the black of his gloves concealing the light well.


They were sitting there, the wind blowing past them in waves, there meeting point was the roof of the 'infamous' Aldera Junior High.

She told him it was urgent, with Momo gone and the..... incident having past, his schedule was clear. Working on whatever he was doing paid no mind to her as she practically dragged him to the roof. The reason for her sudden outburst - One for All.

Izuku: "Idiot, start from the beginning, your speaking too fast." She was visibly troubled by it as whatever it was caused her to shuffle nervously from one foot to another, her speech was faster than usual. "What exactly happe-

Izuna: "I met them"

She cut him off, it clicked for him instantly as he realised the fable hidden in her words. He did the most rational thin - staying calm.

Izuku:" What did they say?"

Izuna: " They warned me about something, that in the near future, an impending danger will come. With you at the center. They told me only you could stop it.

That's when she finally cried, the thought of her brother having to face something so dangerous the predecessors brought it up, scared her to incomparable lengths. He soothed her, while his predictions for the future became unclear.


Was the prophecy of the dream beginning to pass? It would explain the innumerable amount of past experiences Izuku had to endure.

The bus ride continued, who knew the UA campus was this expansive? He was in the protagonist seat, a wide window that showcased a scenery of greens and blues at the speed they were traversing at.

Tsuyu: " Hey, Yagi." He looked towards her with passive eyes, his emerald pools meeting her viridian gaze. "I normally say what's on my mind, so would you mind answering some questions for me?"

He affirmed with a nod.

She went on into a spiral of questions, most about what his passtimes are. Small talk. But one struck out to him the most.

Tsuyu: " How come you're able to keep up with the rest of us? I don't mean come off rude, I'm just curious."

Izuku: " I guess I would have to explain it to you at some point." By now, the bus had come to a halt, conversations once full now empty, all listening to what he had to say. "I am what you call am adept."

Multiple gasps were heard when he said this as Aizawa-sensei looked at him with the same deadpan expression he wore constantly.

Katsuki:" The nerd is obviously bullshitting, If its true then its a cold day in hell." He'd be surprised how common that is...

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