Chapter 16 - Pride

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I've put up an announcement stating my new update schedule, this is to give you guys more content and get into the story faster, I'll also be changing some things dialogue wise. Like I said before, I intend to 'kick things off' after this arc, which has taken more than I had planned to construct! Without further ado, let's begin.

:""All Might


:"" Thoughts

Location: Angels Landing.


Unfortunately, their plans of watching the festival had been halted. A board meeting between the captains for each Exorcist group was being held. As such, the the captain's jobs were to watch over the Exorcists in training, give them manageable missions according to their status and everything in between.

"Do you all know the reason for your being here?"

They all spared glances at their peers. Being requested by the Sentinel himself was a rarity as his appearance in the capital was limited. confined to an occasional report to the king or, something else of importance.

"Very well then. Earlier today, Hermes and I were requested by the king himself. Not as a report, but as an enquiry. Would you like to know what he asked?" Akihira said

They lifted their heads to look at him, some visibly startled by the tone his voice held. The lower ranking of the few there had yet to meet him before this meeting, and his aura of power was already suffocating to them.

"Before you tell us, could this be related to the increase in terrorism and/or rougue activity? The Fluegel haven't requested any help from us, so I don't see the problem." His reply came from someone one of the newer captains in the group

One or two of them mumbled in agreement, while the more experienced of the few knew this was a matter of utmost importance.

"Name?" He asked with little interest

"Naito Yori. Senior rank, 2nd division." The man replied

"Your a noble, aren't you? Let me ask you something. Could you sum up perfectly timed, synchronised and coordinated attacks on specific locations  to a mere coincidence?"

"N-no sir." Yori stuttered.

**** had picked up on what he was saying, his body language becoming tense as he eased himself as to not cause suspicion. **** didn't try to play smart, asking to many questions would look suspicious. While asking none at all would look even more so. If the Sentinel of all people was onto them, he would have to tread lightly.

From this moment on, his steps in this kingdom were limited.


The fanfare blared yet again. The crowd's patience growing gradually slimmer by the minute, yet again. An hour long break had taken place since the last fight and his thoughts on what to do with it were split. On one hand, he could use the teen's stubbornness against him and move on to the next round. Or he could help the teen in the personal dilemma he had been brought into? He looked up at the screen before him, the rounds pairings displayed on the board before him. The round itself was an exciting one, some of the strongest students out of the first years and it wasn't even the final. His thoughts took a turn, from the time he had gotten here something felt amiss. The news here portrayed nothing seeing as their focus was the sports festival alone.

He thought back to Hermes and Akihira. The two of them had mentioned a group he had heard of before, the danger they posed was something to not make light works of. He would have to question the-

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