Chapter 17 - Anger

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Throughout the last 2 weeks, I haven't written anything apart from this chapter, I'm gonna try get back into a 'flow' seeing as I haven't been able to come up with anything for this arc in the past 2 weeks. Without further ado, let's begin.

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Location: Musutafu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan: UA.


A sword made of light appeared in his hands as he backtracked and hacked away at the pillars. He found himself being pushed back as Todoroki sent yet another blast of ice while the teen's offense became more potent.

"I think it's time to end this. Don't you, Yagi?!"

"Right, just don't cry when you lose!"

He surged towards him, lightning crackling and eyes gleaming with the same white effect he emitted before. He saw him prepare an attack, a close ranged finisher would be impossible to get in as his defence was impeccable. He looked at the blade of light before him, expanding it and shaping it to create the ideal form to ensure victory - and there was no going back after this.


Silence enveloped them, the crowd's ferocity dying out quickly as the hyper powered teens prepared the final attacks of the match. A streak of fire was sent billowing from the Western side of the field, its ferocity increasing as it carved a path through the previously settling smoke. Bright flashes of white contrasting the ark of fire.

He cast away the unfinished blade, the thought of an attack that big was daunting to him so he thought against it

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He cast away the unfinished blade, the thought of an attack that big was daunting to him so he thought against it. The inferno ahead of him gaining more power as it sped along, a smaller blade formed in his hands as he cut its journey short. He would have said something if not for.


They looked towards the stands as they panted from the creeping exhaustion in them.

"See what I've been saying Shoto, with my blood running in your veins you can. No you will become the greatest there is!"

He glared at the man with annoyance clear in his demeanor. The sudden change in his attitude warranted a spontaneous feeling of anger, it layed deep in wait as he calmed himself down.

"...A supportive father in the stands!? Looks like Endeavour is softer than we thought, but how will Todoroki respond!?" As Present Mic's voice boomed over the arena, the crowd regained their previous vigour and began to cheer louder.

"Yagi! Ignore the bastard, your fight is with me!"

"Wouldn't have it any other way Todoroki!"

He surged forward, the smoke emanating from Todoroki's attack acting as a runway as he took off. Todoroki himself changing the trajectory of his power towards him, cultivated ice creeping up his arm in anticipated wait as he prepared to end it. His hesitation came back full force as he reminisced his previous attempt, from the looks of things Todoroki's next would be bigger. He began the process again, the blade's form becoming longer and more compact as he shifted to a two handed grip.

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