Chapter 18 - Twilight Crow

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Hello! Tis I the shitty, hypocritical author. I'm sorry for not updating along with my previous schedule and I hope I'm meeting your expectations so far. With the passing time since I've updated, I've had the chance to come up with new ideas and inspiration for this book too. So without further ado, let's begin.

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Location: Musutafu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan: UA.


"Take one fucking step, and I'll kill you."


The crowd were aghast. While some were glad he had taken action and stopped the fight when he did, others weren't. They shouted profanities and verbally vented their frustration at him in more ways than one. He on the other hand, has remained unmoving, his eyes locked dead centre on Katsuki's, and his vice like glare locking onto him like sniper. Those near him could feel his anger, personified through the space around him as the ground released  tremors in a linear fashion.

"You know nerd, I never took you as one to lash out."

"Like you can talk."

"I could fold you right now if I wanted, imagine the humiliation. "

"Like to see your Pomeranian ass try."

"You fuc--"

A light tap on the shoulder brought them both out of their dispute. They looked beside them only to find one pissed off Aizawa. His quirk activated and his hair flowing wildly, his eyes redder than normal and his scowl added to his 'fear factor'.

"I'd suggest you refrain from your little dispute. Yagi, I understand your frustration but this little stunt could cost you the festival and/or the number internship offers you receive." Aizawa's eyes flashed a brighter shade of crimson with every word as he listened to him, his words were sugar-coated and he could tell just from the tone his voice held.

He walked over to Momo and lifted her. If not for his intervention, her state would be more critical than it was now - his clenched fist drew blood at the thought.

"I'll be waiting, Kacchan."

As quickly as he had appeared, he was gone without a trace. His mood soured, and more matters to take care of arisen.


"What's the verdict?"

He was in the infirmary, recovery girl was at her desk as he looked at the bed infront of him. While Momo rested in the bed ahead of him he sat in comfortable silence and kept a watchful eye on her resting form.

"It seems like you'll be staying in the festival, despite the stunt you pulled."

"I hadn't obstructed any rules, so I expected as much. However, why hadn't it been stopped earlier? And the crowd's acceptance of it...!"

She looked at him with understanding eyes. She smiled at the thought of having someone that special to her. She turned back to her computer, the smile she wore becoming a sad one as the clicks on her keyboard became rhythmic.

"You know, the reason they allowed the fight to continue was due to UA's public image - the expectations of the public are completely different to the morals we hold here." She hadn't turned around to look at him, but she could tell  he was listening.

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