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It's been a week

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It's been a week. I tried reading over the pages of the books. My parents said it was supposed to be unreadable but I was fine. It just didn't make a lot of sense since I was missing a bunch of pages. The one thing that was repeated over and over again was.... vampire.

"The tested ... to fix and .... a specimen from the bracelet is to ...... a vampire. Have the victim drink a pure blood vampires .... The control ... better on werewolves. Having the specimen reject the vampire side ... better. If the control was placed on a human .... no choice but to ... a vampire."

I read it over and over again trying to piece together the words. I had a whole setup. Papers, pens, lights, the pages. I was going to figure this out. After about and hour I think I got it.

"The tested cure to fix and unleash a specimen from the bracelet is to turn them into a vampire. Have the victim drink a pure blood vampires blood. The control works better on werewolves. Having the specimen reject the vampire side results better. If the control was placed on a human they have no choice but to become a vampire." I read out loud, testing to see if it made sense for the billionth time.

It's a vampires blood. It all made sense. My parents hated my existence after I was turned. What irony it was if they made the cure a vampire. I called Theo in the room and he read it over, it all made sense to him. I gave him a high five before rushing out of the room. It was about nine o'clock now. I opened the kids room slowly, hoping for the best. Delilah and Devin were sleeping in their room peacefully. I walked up to Devin and shook him awake. Then over to Delilah. "Ok you two have to promise me something. Whatever you do tonight do not leave this room. Once Uncle Theo and I leave you lock this door and go straight to sleep. Promise?" I asked, they both nodded their heads and gave me a pinky promise. If all goes well they'll be perfectly fine and life will go back to normal. The perfect chance. I walked back in Theo's room slowly, where we had been residing.

"Theo, I have a plan." I declared, staring at him intently. "What can I do to help?" He replied with a smile. "Shot glasses." I simply said. He rushed out of the room and came back with enough shot glasses for everyone. "Fuck ok. I promise you this won't hurt me a bit but I need you to bite me." I ordered, holding out my arm. Theo slowly nodded, before shaking his head. "Quinn I can't do that." Theo snapped. "Do it Theo. I could do it myself but that might result in some serious injuries. Just bite me." I ordered again. Walking up to him. He sighed, grabbing my arm and puncturing two holes. "Perfect." I smiled, weirdly seeing my blood made me happy.

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