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After Axton lashed out on me, I knew I couldn't stay there any longer

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After Axton lashed out on me, I knew I couldn't stay there any longer. I raced out of there and headed straight to my apartment.

I grabbed my key from my pocket, just before putting the key in I caught sight of an envelope out of the corner of my eye. I pulled back and grabbed it. Skeptically I pulled it out halfway and read just the top.

My heart literally dropped when I saw that orange eviction notice. All I asked was for one more month to pay the rent but it's not my fault this town offers shitty jobs. I stuffed the letter back away in its envelope and taped it back to the door. Hoping it didn't give away the fact that I had indeed read it.

So I did the best thing, I grabbed a bag and just threw all of the essentials and a couple of my possessions in the bag. I needed enough stuff to last me a couple or days, just enough to get away from him.

If that's how he reacts to a small part of my past, then I don't plan on sticking around for him to hear the rest of it. There will be no story time between us. No heartfelt backstory- sit down with each other.

Surprisingly, there wasn't much I had to grab. After I finished collecting my things my apartment was pretty much empty. I filled up two duffel bags and that was all. Made it easier for me, but honestly it was kinda sad to see all my belongings fit in a two, tiny duffel bags. Leaving my apartment also made me sad because this was my rescue and shelter after escaping from my ex boyfriend and parents.

Sighing, I pushed the thoughts out of my head and bolted out of the apartment. I had no where to go. No where I could think of. I couldn't just stand in the middle of the ghost town I called home.

Am I so important to Axton?

Would he come searching for me? I had to prepare for all of it. I had to be smart. Once again, I was practically running from a psycho guy. Why does this always seem to happen to me?

I bolted into the forest at the back of the apartment using my vampire speed. Sure, I had to run through bushes but I was hidden in the trees in a matter of seconds.

If he was who he said he was and Axton was looking for me then he would check the city and all the other places a run away girl can run to. He wouldn't expect me to hide in the forest.

I prayed that I was being smart through this.

Finally, I stopped running after a couple of minutes. My heart was racing and if I ran anymore my legs would give out completely. Hopefully I got far enough.

I felt like I did all the exercise I needed for the rest of the year.

I flopped down on the grass, not caring. My feelings settled and my heart started getting closer to beating to normal.

There was something within me though. That was telling me that I shouldn't have ran. I know I can't categorize all guys as idiots only because one of them treated me badly but seeing how he reacted scared me.

I didn't like talking about my past. It was in the past for a reason. It needed to stay there and I don't want to bring it back up. No guy was going to change my mind from that.

My mind went back on his captivating green eyes. I've never seen such emerald forest green eyes before. It was so unique and was the first thing I noticed about Axton.

Werewolves are real.

I wondered how it worked. Did he shift on full moons only? Does the moon goddess tell them when to shift? Do his clothes tear apart? Were his wolf's eyes green?

Stop thinking about his damn eyes, Quinn.

At that, my mind wondered to his glass cutting jaw line and don't get me started on his lips. It had me fantasising about things I never knew I could have.

Shaking my head to stop thinking about the wolf, I dusted myself as I stood up. Then my eyes finally landed on the cave.

Holy shit, how did I not see that before?

It would be a perfect hideout. You would have to look very carefully to notice it if you were just passing by, it shelters me from the rain and I didn't have to be in the cold air.

I ran into the cave to inspect it, already on alert for any unwanted animals but it seemed fine. It wasn't that deep which was good but you still couldn't see what was on the inside from the outside. It was perfect.

Things was going my way today despite the sort of terrible morning.

I dumped the bags in the corner and pulled out one of my hoodies before laying on it. I always seem to be on a run. I should just stay here for a couple of days before leaving. I'm sure he would give up eventually. I can't be that valuable to him since I'm a stranger and a vampire.

Once again, I was thinking about that gorgeous werewolf. Deciding to distract myself, I pulled out my phone. I called Gabe and held my breath when he answered. He always reacted badly. "Hey, I need a couple of days off," I blurted out like I was practicing in my head. I heard him chuckle on the other end of the phone.

"For someone who always needs money that's a stupid move so why do you?" He snapped. I could practically hear him roll his eyes. I silently scoffed at his annoying comment.

That's none of your business, asshole.

"I think I'm coming down with something and I don't want to infect your precious cafe," I lied through my teeth. He scoffed and was silent for some seconds.

"Fine, whatever," Was the last thing he said before ending the call.

Well...that went better than expected.
1038 words

To be honest I kinda liked the name Payton but Soriyaah didn't

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To be honest I kinda liked the name Payton but Soriyaah didn't. We are writing the book together so we had to agree on things, but anyways I found it fitting for his middle name. - Riley


Ok byeeeeeeee ~ Riley & Soriyaah

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