chapter 30

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grace's pov:

Harry didn't return last night, which got me quite anxious. After he left in such a panic and hurry, I really hope he's alright. I'm also quite worried about Niall, more than i'd like to admit. Judging from the look on Louis' face when he came in, I don't think it was good news, and knowing the kind of people Harry and the boys mess with, doesn't quite calm my nerves.

I hear the faint sound of the door opening and closing making me jump up from my bed and run downtstairs. I catch harry rummaging through the fridge when I reach. "What happened? Is Niall okay." I ask standing behind the kitchen island. I wait for him to respond but instead he turns around slowly and looks at me with an expression which tells me he's in a sour mood. 

"That's none of your business." He spits rudely. Ok so it's back to square one. "I just wanted to know if everything is okay" I mutter under my breath before turning around. "No it's fucking not" He yells causing me to flinch. "Nothing is okay, alright. It never was. I don't know who you think you are, sticking you nose up in our business. I didn't even want you here after I found out you had no contact with your cheating brother. If it wasn't for Louis and Niall, you'd be out on the streets. Who knows, probably even dead. So let me get one thing straight, you aren't one of us. I could chuck you out anytime and have nothing to do with you ever again. None of the boys care about you either, they just feel bad. You're just an extra added stress for us. So if you want to keep things civil between us. I suggest you only speak when you're needed to." 

My feet stay glued to the ground the entire time. With every word he said, I felt my heart break and i don't know why. I thought we were getting somewhere and I was stupid to think that. I know my place, I don't belong here. I never did. 

Then why does it hurt so much? It's taking everything in me to not burst into tears right now,but I don't want to give him that satisfaction. "Is that understood?" His voice boom again. 

"Yes." I say, trusting my voice not to falter. "Good." He states and storms past me towards his room, slamming the door on his way in. 

I let his words continue to echo in my head while I stay in my place, in the silent, empty room. I don't know how long I stay standing there but I let his words soak in. I hate that he's right. I have no place here, I don't know what i'm doing.

I'm beginning to regret leaving the foster house that night. I should have waited a day atleast. I didn't exactly leave with a plan, but this was certainly not something I had in mind. Though Harry did say i was just an extra added stress for them, so if I promise to keep my mouth shut and ask for a bit of money for helping them out that one time, he should let me leave. 

I can spend the nights at some motel for a while and look for a job or something. I don't know, i'll figure it out, but I don't have any wish to stay here any longer. 

* * * * * 

(a/n) not a v long update i know but do you want grace to leave? 👀

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