chapter 20

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Grace's pov:

I stay in my room, hours after I wake up. Afraid to go out considering how I pissed off Harry was last night. I sigh loudly, followed by a rumble of my stomach sounding through the room.

After a few more minutes of contemplating whether I should go out or not, I settle on going out, getting some food and coming back in. Facing Harry is probably the last thing I want.

I get up and walk to the door, peeking out to see if Harry is to be seen anywhere. He's not. I tiptoe out quietly, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I quickly make myself a sandwhich and pour myself some juice in a glass. I'm just about to leave when Harry rounds the corner, almost bumping into me. His hand flies to my shoulder while the other to my hand holding the glass so as to stop it from spilling.

"Where're you going?" He asks in confusion, his voice hoarse. "Uhh...just up to my room" My voice comes out wobbly. "To eat." I say more firmly.

His hands stop me from moving again, "Why don't you eat it here?" He asks. I don't think bringing up last night's event and potentially having him be mad at me again is a good idea. So, I turn on my heels and walk back to the kitchen, taking a seat on one of the chairs.

Harry walks in after me and walks slowly towards the fridge but I feel his eyes on me the entire time. I continue on with my food as fast as I can but careful not to choke myself.

He walks around the table and comes and sits right next to me. There are three chairs on the other side, could he not have sat on those. He sips loudly on his juice as he watches me eat. Is he a creep or what?

"I'm sorry." My eyes bulge out of my sockets and I choke on my bread. I hear him mutter an 'Oh shit' before getting up and patting my back.

He sits down when I stop coughing. "What?" I ask turning to look at him properly. "I'm sorry for snapping at you last night." A moment of silence follows while we just look at eachother. "oh.. ok" I stutter out, looking away from his gaze.

"Do you wanna go out?" My head snaps toward him again, "What?"
He licks lips before speaking, "Well you're probably bored staying in the house all the time. I can take you out if you want. As an apology if you will. You can buy somethings for yourself and uh...Louis will join us for lunch."

I stare at him as his words echo in my head and I feel excitement bubbling inside. We hardly ever went out shopping or eating or simply just for a good outing in the foster house. "I would love that. Thankyou." I smile, not being able to contain my excitement.

He nods and gives me a tight-lipped smile before getting up and making himself his breakfast while I finish mine.


NO WAY OUT || H.S. fanfic (on hold)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat