Chapter 26

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Grace's pov: 

I woke up this morning with stomach cramps. I immediately knew it was that time of the month. Luckily, I had enough stuff to last me about two days but I had to get more from the store. This probably explained my mood swings yesterday and I'm pretty sure Harry doesn't want to egg me on further considering he hasn't tried to talk to me since yesterday. 

A part of me is relieved that he isn't bothering me, while a part of me is upset that he isn't talking to me. I hate that I'm like this, I hate that I'm so difficult to deal with, I hate that I'm so indecisive,  I hate that I'm not confident, I hate that I'm so sensitive. I wasn't expecting my morning to go like this but here I am in my bed almost about to cry. I let out a small whine when my stomach starts cramping again, only making me cry more. 

I'm really craving some chocolate and hugs right now but I don't want to get up and I think Harry's had enough of my shit. I guess I'll just stay like this for as long as I can and whatever happens, happens. 

I stare at the ceiling, feeling pathetic as ever with tears streaming from my eyes. I feel myself getting annoyed and pissed at my tears falling into my ears because I'm lying down and it frustrates me further. 

I hear a knock at my door, making me grown in annoyance but feel a little sense of happiness and comfort knowing Harry bothered enough to knock at my door to see if I'm alive. I really do hate periods. "What?" I say annoyedly. The door opens and Harry walks in with a tray of food my mood immediately changes.I feel bad that I was annoyed at him but I also feel bad that he did this even though he didn't have to. "Oh" I say and sit up on the bed. He places it in front of me, "You didn't have to do this.I was coming down in a while." I lie, I wasn't actually going to go down anytime soon. "That's okay. Take this as an apology for yesterday. I didn't mean to-"

"Harry. It's alright. I feel like I was overreacting. You're being way too kind, I almost feel bad." He smiles softly, "I guess I'm a decent guy when I'm not too stressed eh?" I immediately feel bad for him. "What happened?" I ask before I can stop myself. This isn't going to end well. He furrows his eyebrows and hums in confusion. "With my brother...what happened. Is that why you're in this mess?" 

His comfortable demeanours immediately changes. He clenches his jaw and looks away. He releases a deep breath and looks back at me. "In short, yes. He did something he knew he shouldn't have. He betrayed my trust and somebody else had to pay for his actions. I made a promise to someone, and I need to finish it. Which can only be done once I find your brother." His words are laced with such venom I'm scared he might take his anger out on me considering we're blood related. 

"But I have nothing against you, just know that." He replies, almost as if he read my thoughts. "You're on the good side." He assures and I give him a small smile.  

I have mixed feelings about my brother. I know he did something really wrong and it's not a surprise he managed to get himself in trouble if I'm being honest. From what I've gathered he did something terrible and I'm mad about that. But at the same time, he is my brother and we did have memories from when we were kids, before everything went downhill, and it's hard to just forget all of that. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve what he has coming because he does. He just isn't the same Ethan I knew when I was a kid and that's a hard pill to swallow.

My mind goes back to Harry's words. "He betrayed my trust and somebody else had to pay for his actions. I made a promise to someone, and I need to finish it." It seems to me he really cares for this person, whoever it is. He's risking a lot on the line for this person, which only brings me to one conclusion. He's got a good heart and he cares for the people who mean a lot to them. His friends being one example. You can tell he really cares for them. I feel a pang of hurt knowing he would never care for me, or anyone would for that matter but I guess I should be used to it by now and stop dreaming of something that I could never have. 

"Did you listen to what I say?" He says, nudging me with his elbow, pulling me out of my trance. "I'm sorry what?" He looks at me with a weird look and repeats himself. "I said, if you finish your breakfast quickly. We can go out to get some groceries and stuff." 

"Oh good. I need to buy myself some things" I quip. Finally digging in, in my breakfast. "What things?" He asks with a blank expression. "Pads and tampons." I state simply. His eyes widen in realisation, "Oh." He draws out loudly "Are you on your periods? Is it an emergency? Do you want me to go get it now? Do you get cramps? You need any painkiller? Chocolates? Ice cream?" I laugh at his state of sudden panic and wave my hand. "No no I'm alright. I have some stuff for now and yes a painkiller would be good but it's not an emergency. I can wait."

He releases a long sigh and places his hand over his heart. "Oh good. I'm sorry for panicking but I don't really know what I'm supposed to do in this situation. You can't blame me though. None of the boys get periods so I wouldn't know." I laugh loudly at his pathetic joke attempt and he snickers. 

He gives my shoulder a little squeeze and leaves me alone to finish my food. I like this Harry, the light-hearted, sweet and caring Harry. Not the cold and snappy one. I know this is temporary and I'd like to enjoy this side of while it lasts.


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