chapter 23

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grace's pov:

"So what do we do?" Niall asks after Harry told them about my encounter with Nick earlier. "Well I think we don't do anything for a while. They already think we've almost given up. Might as well give them more reasons to think so." 

A moment silence falls as all them nod their heads to Harry's words. "Do i still need to go to the bar though?" I ask. I'd really appreciate if I don't have to. "Uhm I don't think that's necessary" Louis replies promptly. I give him a grateful nod and he returns a warm smile. I like having Louis around. He's more like my older brother than my actual brother. He barely talked to me or noticed my existence at the foster house. When we were kids of course we spent some time together, but as he got older I started seeing less and less of him. 

"Okay then I guess that's all, but do keep your eyes out for Ethan. He's our main target. Liam it's your turn to make dinner. Try not to ruin my kitchen yeah?" Harry says with a small smile at the end. I notice Zayn sitting quietly as usual. I'm not gonna lie i am a little scared of him. I know how Liam and Niall are by now and of course Harry and Louis, but Zayn. He's very quiet. 

"What are you thinking about?" I jump slightly, startled by Harry's voice. "oh nothing. I'm just a little bit overwhelmed by all of this." I say, half-lying. his face contorts into a small frown. "Do you not wanna do this anymore? You know you can say no, we're not forcing you" He rambles.

"No. It's not that. I'm just not used to any of this. I didn't visualize myself working with a gang and in potential danger when i left the foster house." I say with a laugh hoping he'd get my humour. Judging by his now guilt laced expression, i'm gonna take a wild guess and say he didn't get it. 

"I'm sorry. I know i'm not the best person around or as patient as Louis but i'll try and be understanding and bearable the best as I can. I know this sounds insincere coming from me. But I didn't mean to get you in this mess." The guilt evident in his eyes tell me he's being truthful and a spark of hope lights up in myself that maybe he could give me a little bit of freedom. 

"I appreciate it Harry, thankyou. But I was only half-joking. Yes this isn't the ideal situation to be in, but I can't deny i like having you all around from time to time. Seeing you all joke around on occasion is nice. Okay maybe not all, Niall and Louis are usually the fun ones. But it's nice. I feel good y'know? Not like the depressing atmosphere at the foster house." i take a deep breath. Realising this is probably the most casual conversation i've had with Harry. "I do have small request though" 

"Go on" 

"Well, I was wondering if you could let me go out. Before you get all angry, hear me out. I will not run away. It's only because i'm always inside this house, and I always have been cooped in a house all my life. I thought maybe if you'd let me like go out, even if it's for a walk or something. I would really appreciate. I'd feel a lot better then and lot less uneasy."

I watch him as he slowly nods to himself, biting his inner cheek in thought. My palms begin to feel sweaty and the sudden urge to cry washes over me as the suspence and silence become too much to bear.

I'm beginning to lose all hope when he clears his throat. "Okay"

My eyes bulge out at the unexpected answer and before i can rationalize my thoughts i push myself forward to hug him. "Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou" I say sincerely, beginning to feel tears brimming in my eyes. I never thought he'd actually say yes. I guess because people have never been kind to me or agreed to any of my wishes I forget there is actually good in people.

Even if it is someone like Harry.

He awkwardly pats my back and I pull away to his see his cheeks red.


I mean what?


(a/n) look at me posting while i have piles and piles of assignments to do

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