Chapter 11

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Grace's Pov

I hardly got any sleep last night. I've been thinking a lot about Harry and the guys' request for me to help them. I'd really love nothing more than to get out of here and start a life, but i'd also like to do that in one piece. But then again, i really have nothing to lose. I've got no family searching for me or caring for me. Harry is quite literally the only support system I have. Be it food, a place to say even a little company. As far as I know, this isn't illegal so i won't be in any legal trouble. Also, Harry made it pretty clear that him and the boys will not let me be in grave danger or trouble. I really have no solid reason to trust but i'll take what i can.

If anything, I'm indirectly helping myself get out of here. I don't know how long this will take but like I said. I have no one really waiting for me.

Content with my decision, I jump out of my bed, seeing as it's already morning. My new room is so much better. The bed is big and soft, the window has a nice view. I made Harry believe that I would not run away so he lets me open the window to enjoy the air for awhile. That is until he gets paranoid and asks me to close it. So far we've managed to not lash out at eachother.

I walk in the kitchen to see Louis sitting on one of the stools, scrolling through his phone and smoking a cigarette. "Hey." I say softly and take a seat next to him. "Hey Grace." He smiles softly at me.

"Um, where's Harry?" I ask. "I think he's still sleeping." He replies and hops down from his stool and walks over to the fridge, taking out a juice bottle. "Um, well I thought about Niall's "Idea" and well uh. I guess i'm in." Louis eyes widen at my words. "Wait really? Because you don't have to feel obliged to do this. Maybe we find another way. I mean you do realise you might be in danger if you agree to this." He comes back and sits in front of me.

"Yes Louis. I'm a hundred percent sure. I've really got nothing to lose. I thought about this all night and well i'm helping myself indirectly and um well you guys too so um, yeah. Also like Niall said we can get myself a disguise or whatever and um Harry said that he'll make sure i'm not in danger so i can just blindly believe that and do whatever i can to help."

Louis ponders over my words for a while before a smile breaks out on his face. "Thank you Grace. Really, we appreciate it. I was against this at first. I don't want you in danger, you never signed up for this. Harry kidnapped you, and turns out that was useless anyway. I tried changing his mind about kidnapping you because it was illegal and i didn't want that kinda trouble. He originally planned to break in, drug you and get you here but you made his work easier. But um anyways uh we really can't undo that but i promise grace you'll be fine after this blows over." I smile at his concern. Louis is by far the sweetest guy i've met here, or in my life if i'm being honest. Niall seems okay too, from what Louis told me a few days ago and from what i've seen. But Harry, he's just...complicated and I have this urge within me to understand him.

The sound of feet padding towards the kitchen pulls me out of my thoughts "Hey Louis can you call Niall and ask him to come? My phone is dead and we re- Oh um, hi grace. Didn't think you'd be here." Harry enters the kitchen with messy hair wearing a white t-shirt and sweatpants. I gotta admit he looked cute. Most people would say that it's weird that I think my kidnapper is cute or that he's kind of like my support system. But think of it, he's not actually a kidnapper. I hate to admit it but the more time I spend here in his comfortable house the more I kind of feel thankful for him kidnapping me.

"Grace?" He snaps me out of my thoughts and i notice Louis isn't here. Probably gone to make that call. "Uhm yeah uh I was- I agree to help you with this plan." He just looks at me with his eyebrows raised for awhile. "Okay then I'll uh- i'll talk to Zayn or Liam about your disguise." He flashes me a small tight-lipped smile before turning back and continuing whatever he was doing. Well damn, I was expecting a thank you atleast.

I guess i'll jusy sit on my window sill and chill like usual and come down whenever breakfast is ready. My work here is done. "Your welcome by the way."I mumble sarcastically before sliding off my stool. I hear a small chuckle leave his lips and a small 'thank you'.


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