Chapter 7

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I feel gross. I need to have a shower but I doubt Harry will come anytime soon so i can ask him.

I've been awake for about an hour now, i think. I don't know what time it is and if Harry's even here. Or Louis.

Having nothing better to do I walk up to the door and start banging on it. Soon, I hear footsteps approaching and I back away from the door incase Harry storms in like usual.

To my surprise, the door opens slowly. Revealing a sleepy looking Harry. "What is it? It's like 7 a.m. What do you want?" he asks, his voice raspy.

"Oh. umm, I dont have a watch so i didn't know but umm, I was hungry and I felt gross. My clothes are dirty and I want to shower." I say he nods letting out a yawn.

"You want to eat first or shower?" he asks me. "Shower please" I answer. It's weird having a civil conversation with him.

He nods signalling me to follow him. He leads me towards a bathroom just down the hall. "You can use this and umm, I bought some clothes yesterday that I thought would fit you. I'll just get them" He says and leaves.

I walk in the bathroom and my eyes widen at my reflection. I do not look okay. Harry walks in with a large bag, and places it on the counter.

"Just take whatever you want and after you're done you can put your dirty clothes in the wash. The laundry room is the one next to this and umm, I'll let you stay in a different room." He says awkwardly scratching his head and I just nod. Not knowing what to say. He leaves and I get on with my shower.

After showering for what felt like a long time I feel a lot better. I change into a pair of sweatpants and a tee. I put my clothes in the wash as Harry directed.

I walk into the kitchen and the smell of eggs and bacon welcomes me. I sit on one of the chairs, waiting for the food patiently.

Harry turns around and flinches before taking a deep breath, calming himself down. "God you scared me. When did you come in? I didn't hear you?" He says passing me a plate full of breakfast.

"Oh just about a minute ago and umm, thankyou for the clothes, and breakfast" I say and he nods back.

"Look umm, I believe you and uhh, even if you don't know where Ethan is. I can't let you go." He says and anger starts boiling inside me.

"Why?" I ask simply and he replies, "Because I kidnapped you. That's illegal. I can't afford to go to jail, and even if I let you go. Where will you go? If you go back to the foster home, they're gonna ask you where you were and all that shit. I can't risk it." He says. Okay he's got a point.

"So i'm just gonna stay here forever or what?" I ask and he sighs. "No. Once I get the money Ethan owes me. I'll be nice enough to buy you a small apartment and give you some money. Enough for you to get by for a while. After that. You're none of my concern. Okay?" He says leaving me completely dumbfounded. I get an apartment, of my own, and some money. I just have to stay here for a while. Hmm. That doesn't sound too bad.

"Okay." I say, "but please don't waterboard me again and lock me in a room. I promise I won't run away. You said it yourself, i have no place to go and I will never, under any circumstances go back to that stupid foster house, it's definitely not a home."

"Okay, but as long as you don't piss me off we're fine. Oh and it'd be great if you help around the house a bit. Maybe do the laundry and dishes. Not so much, you okay with that." He asks and i agree to his terms. Atleast i'll have something to do during the day and I won't be bored out of my mind.

We eat our breakfast in silence after our little deal. Harry gets up and puts his plate in the sink and leaves to go to living room. I get up too with my plate, getting to my assigned duty when I hear him speak up from the living room.

"You might wanna thank Louis though. I could still keep you locked in that room. I don't mind."


(a/n) louis is an angel :> Pls vote

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