Chapter 9

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Harry's pov

"Look man Nick is a dangerous guy but also the only way for us to find out where Ethan is. Ethan may or may not have told him about us so we have to be on the lookout but I got his address. He lives a few blocks away from that bar. According to the bartenders he's there every other day. I have no clue about the other guy. We have to be careful about what we choose to do. Also man, considering you have Grace living with you now. You wouldn't want her to get in danger."

I take in what Louis said as he takes another drag of his cigarette. "You don't think we can just walk up to Nick when he's at the bar and talk to him?" I suggest and Niall and Louis both snicker. "Mate you may be good with fists but goddamit you're dumb. You don't think he'll recognise us? You dont think Ethan must've told him about us? Mate, Ethan ran away, and from what it looks like, he ran to them. Now, I don't know how he knows them but I'm pretty sure he went to them so he could hide. We cant take chances here mate." Louis explains and I groan in frustration.

" Wait guys! I got it." Niall suddenly speaks up. "If it's a dumb idea, keep it to yourself." Louis intervenes and I snicker. Niall rolls his eyes before speaking up, "No mate, You said Nick might recognise us, we just have to get someone who is not one of us, but still willing to help us. Grace! She can help us" Niall exclaims and I groan. That's a stupid idea.

"That's a dumb idea Niall, what did I tell you."

"No it's not dumb it could actua-"

"No Niall, what part of 'we don't want to put Grace in danger' do you not understand."

"No Louis, just listen we ca-"

"Niall no we're not doing th-"

"Just lis-"

"For fuck's sake Niall! I said n-"

"You're not listenin-"

The both of them continue to bicker back and forth as I walk away into the kitchen looking for something to eat.

Niall's idea isn't completely bad but I know for a fact it won't happen. From the short amount of time that I've known Grace, she seems very stubborn. She would never agree to this. I already have much to worry about. I don't want something else too.


"See! I told you the idea was nice." Niall boasts and Louis scoffs. "It's not nice mate. We just don't have a better plan."

"That means it was a good idea if you couldn't come up with good ones."

Niall's idea could actually work. It's well thought out but we have to get Grace to agree to this and to make sure she'll be able to carry this out.


(a/n) just a lil' filler. PLEASE VOTE.

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