chapter 22

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grace's pov:

"Hey Harry, hey Grace" Louis greets us with a smile as we take a seat at the Chinese restaurant.

"Do you like spicy food Grace?" Harry asks me as he looks through the menu card, his eyebrows furrowed and his fingers lightly pinching his lips.

"Uh yeah. I can handle some spice."

The waiter arrives and takes our orders after which Louis and Harry talk about some stuff I don't understand.

My thoughts go back to Nick and what I had heard. Should I tell them? I want them to trust me and to help them in whatever all this is about but at the same time I cant help but think of running away every chance I get.

I guess living in a foster home wasn't too different from living with Harry now. Yes, I don't get physically beat up and verbally harassed every day here. Well except for when I was waterboarded. A shiver runs down my spine at the memory.

But, what I mean to say is that. I had always been locked up in a house all my life. I never got to go out, like other kids my age did. I've never wanted anything more than to be free, and I guess it's that thirst for freedom that's driving me to run away even if it might not be necessary or end me up in harm's way.

Maybe I should talk to Harry about this. I feel like i've already bothered Louis enough.

"Are you alright love? You look spaced out." Louis asks me in a worried tone. I shake my head, dismissing the question.

Before Louis could inquire further, the waiter comes with our food. Saving me from Louis' questions.


"Oh that was good wasnt it?" Louis says as we hop in the car.

"Did you enjoy Grace?" Harrys asks me, with a smile. Hmm, unusual. "Yeah it was really good." He nods and looks back in front, revving up the car.

"Uhm  I have to tell you something." I figured it was best to tell them rather than keeping it to myself. I dont know maybe the information could be useful.

"Go on." Harry speaks in an unsure tone.

"When you left me at H&M. I saw Nick  and-" The car come to a rough stop and both their necks snap towards me.

"Uhh, he was talking to someone on the phone and he said something about 'him' or his minions. He also said Ethan was an important member of 'their' gang and he thinks you all have let it all go considering none of y'all have initiated any sort of attack. Maybe he was talking about you guys i dont know."

Both of them continue to look at me for a while before Louis speaks up. "It is us."

"I think i know what we need to do" Louis says after both of them look back in the front and start the car again.

"Yeah me too. Call liam and the boys and ask them to come to my place at 6"

I feel a small sense of pride wash over me after their reactions. I feel useful.


(a/n) thank y'all so much for reading this book. it's got over 2k reads :')  Like seriously I appreciate y'alls patience considering how irregular I post. <3

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