Chapter 3

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My eyes flutter open but they're met with darkness. My hands handcuffed behind my back and my ankles tied together with a rope. I begin to panic as last nights events flash in my head. Was it even last night?

"H-help" I croak out, my throat absolutely parched. "Pl- Please. S-somebody. Help. Please." I manage to say about a tone louder. My eyes brim with tears, before i let out a sob. This is what i get for leaving the foster house.

After what seems like a lifetime, i hear the muffled sound of movement of feet. A door open letting some light in. Hitting my face directly. I blink repeatedly and squint my eyes trying to focus on my surroundings.

The light shining in from the door projects a flight of stairs leading down to where I am. This seems like a basement. A silhouette of a man appears in the doorway, similar to one of the people chasing me last night.

Instantly my heartbeat picks up, "P-please let me go. I beg you Plea-" "Hush", i am cut off with the man infront of me. "Darling, you aren't getting out of here. Atleast not anytime soon. Let me make a few things clear. I give you food, water, and a roof over your head, and in return you give me answers. Once i get what i need. You're free to go. You will not speak a word of this, and you won't have to see me again. But if you try to escape. It's not gonna be good. I have sensors in every possible exit in this house. There's absolutely no way out. So don't even think of leaving. Do you understand?" He asks in a low voice that sends chills down my spine and not in a good way. I nod at him, answering his question.

"I said do you understand?!" he yells. Right in my face and i flinch. "Y-yes" I say. My voice hoarse and my lip quivering.

I cant see his face clearly since the source of the small amount of light is behind him but i can make out the outline of his head and torso.

"Good" He mutters right before getting up and disappearing where he came from. Slamming the door behind him.

He made it pretty clear I can't leave, but then again I have no idea where we are. Even if i did manage to escape. I'd have nowhere to go, just like last time and i wouldn't want to get kidnapped again.

He said he needed answers. I didn't understand what he meant by that but i didn't dare question him. The door opens again and he comes down. A pair of keys dangling from his hands.

He crouches down to my level again. "I'm going to uncuff you now. Don't try to run, or thrash around, and don't even think of hitting me. Understand?" He asks again. "Yes" i say and he hums back.

He moves to my side, reaching over and uncuffing my hands. I instantly feel relieved at the loss of contact and my bring hands infront. Rubbing over my wrists.

He then undoes the rope from my leg and stands up. Yanking me up by hand. He grabs my wrist and leads me up the stairs.

I squint my eyes, getting used to the lighted surroundings. I look around, taking in everything. This seems like any other house. He leads me to the kitchen and i see two large windows looking out to an endless trail of trees. Welcoming the natural light from outside.

He looks back at me and then the windows. "They're locked, bulletproof and an inch thick. Don't even think about it." he says.

"I wasn't" I answer back truthfully. He looks back at me with a confused expression for a second or two before dragging me towards the chairs in the kitchen. "Sit" He orders and i comply. He walks around the kitchen island and towards the fridge. Pulling it open and grabbing a bottle.

I can see him clearly now, he has chestnut curls that seen to need a bit of a trim. He has tattoes. Lots of them. I thought I saw his eyes were green but i'm not sure.

He takes out a glass from the shelf pouring it with water. He slides the glass towards me and I grab it, gulping down all of it at once. "More?" he asks with a blank expression on his face. I nod and he reaches forward grabbing the glass, refilling it and sliding it back. "Use your words around me." He says rather demandingly. "Okay" i say earning a nod back from him.

He slides me a plate with four slices of bread with butter on it and I basically devour the whole thing in a snap. "Still hungry?" he asks me raising his eyebrow. "A little bit" I mumble back.

He sighs and walks over to make me some more, shocking me in the process. I wasn't expecting him to actually make me more. Rather tell me to shut up and throw me back in the basement. He doesn't seem bad enough to be a kidnapper apart from when he's warning me.

Maybe he's just the cook? I am broken from my thoughts as he slides me the plate again. I mutter a small thankyou. Shocking both him and me.
He decides not to say anything about it as he walks away into the living room. "Come here when you're done" he yells from the other room. "Okay" i say back.

He hasn't threatened to kill me as such apart from the little warning, hinting that he might, if i leave. So i guess I should just listen to what he has to say and try not to piss him off and hopefully he'll let me go.

Finishing my little so called meal. I take a deep breath. Mentally bracing myself for whatever's about to happen.

I walk into the the living room and he motions for me to sit. I take a seat on the single couch. Not wanting to be too close to him.

He clears his throat and rest his elbows on his knees. Lacing his fingers together, boring his eyes into mine before speaking.

"Where's Ethan?"



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