Chapter 2

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I check all my essentials one last time before I dump them in my bag. I look up to see my roomate still asleep. A leave her a little note telling her not to look for me and that i'll be safe. She's the only one in this foster house i'm close with.

Debby, the caretaker is a merciless bitch. All she does is make me slave around and beat me up from time to time. I can't stay here any longer. I just turned 17 and I can't stay here for another year. I'm sure I can get by by myself. I'll find a way.

I have no idea who or where my biological parents are. Not that i care. They left my brother and I alone to fend for ourselves. Speaking of which, or whom, in this case. I also have no idea where my brother is. He left the foster house when he turned eighteen, which was four years ago, and i haven't heard from him since.

I take one last look and strap on my small worn out backpack. This is it. I'll finally be free. I open the window as stealthily as possible. Making sure not to make any noise. I swing my legs out and look at the ground below me. The drop is not far enough to cause any serious injuries but not close enough to make a soft landing.

I take in a deep breath and jump. I stumble as i land. I look back up to see the window open and realisation hits me. There's no way back. I can't go back in. Debby will find out for sure. Anything is better than facing her.

I jog towards the door climbing up and getting on the other side. The moment I land, I run. I run as far away from that godforsaken foster home as possible.

I have no idea where i'm going but i need to be atleast a safe distance away from the foster house.

After running for a while, i feel my legs wearing out. I decide to take a quick five minute break on a bench nearby. I sit myself down on the bench with a thud. My muscles intantly relaxing and my chest heaving up and down. I hear the sound of a car stopping in a distance. My head snaps in its direction seeing two men getting out and walking towards me.

Fear takes over me and I jump up from the bench and walk away, gaining speed. The footsteps get louder and louder, catching up.
My throat runs dry and my mind wanders at the possibilities. I take a sharp turn into an alley stumbling a bit, but not stopping. The footsteps don't stop behind me. I slow down seeing a tall steel fence gate infront of me.

Without another thought i start climbing it. I dont get too far before I am yanked down by my foot. I panic and let out a loud shriek. Hoping somebody would come out and help. Who am i kidding, it's the middle of the night and i've never really had the best hand at luck.

A hand covers my mouth, stopping me from screaming further. The other man firmly holds my hands behind my back. I dont stop trying to get out of the man's hold. The other man takes his hand away from my mouth but is replaced with a cloth drenched in what i think is chloroform.

My thoughts are confirmed as my movements slow down and i lose control over them. My eyes begin to droop and my vision blurs before everything turns black and I pass out.


(a/n) pls vote and share <3

NO WAY OUT || H.S. fanfic (on hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora