chapter 31

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read the author's note that I posted before this chapter pls pls xx

grace's pov:

I spent the rest of the day yesterday and last night, cooped up in my so called room. I contemplated over my limited options and settled on leaving finally. Even if Harry doesn't give me any money, i'll still go away. I'm sure i'll be able to fend for myself. I have no desire to stay here anymore. I feel held captive here, i'm forced to be someone i'm not. It's better for me to pull myself out of this mess before it's too late.

Hence why I am currently standing in front of Harry's room. I knock on the door three times and take a step back. A few seconds later Harry appears on the other side of the door looking as if he just woke up, his hair messy, his sweatpants hanging on hips and his torso bare. He looks like death if i'm being completely honest. It's then when I realise it is quite early in the morning and it wasn't a long night for everyone like it was for me. 

Not that I care anymore.

"What's wrong Grace?" He rasps out leaning against the doorframe, looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. I decide there's no time to beat around the bush, and I should just get to it. 

"I want out." I sate simply. 

I wait for a response but he just stands there with a blank expression on his face. "What?"

I huff and repeat myself, "I said, I want out. I did some thinking and I want to leave. You don't have to worry about me opening my mouth because I wont. I have no reason to, I just want to leave. You said I was supposed to get some amount of money so if you want to give me that, please do. Otherwise i'll be on my way anyway. I didn't escape the foster house that night to end up in this mess. I don't have to pay for my brother's actions. I wish you all the best with your little plan or whatever but I want out." 

He seemed to slowly register my words in his dumb brain as he blinks rapidly and straightens his posture and struggles to get his words out. "Hold on for a second, where is all this coming from?" he questions. 

I stay quiet. 

He understands my silence and lets out an 'oh' in realisation. "Look Grace, I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean any of it I wa-"

"I don't care." I cut him off. He seems taken aback. "I still want to leave. So are you gonna give me the money that you owe me or should I leave?"

He blinks slowly, his eyes wandering over my face and no words leaving his mouth. "Alright then." I say and turn around. I just start walking away when i'm yanked back my by wrist and collapse onto his hard chest. "What?" I seethe, my eyebrows furrowed in anger. A look of guilt and something else flashes on his for a quick second before it disappears. 

"Please don't go." He says softly, a hint of desperation, surprising me because i've never heard him speak like this. My eyebrows furrow in confusion at his unusual behaviour as I attempt to pull away but his arm only tightens around my waist as his other hand rests at my hip, his thumb rubbing circles on the area. 

"Please. I'm sorry about everything that i said last night. I'm sorry about everything in general. But please don't go. We need you." He continues, sadness evident in his eyes. 

An unsettling feeling brews in my stomach. What happened yesterday?

"I need you." he says, taking me by surprise. 

"What's wrong Harry?" the words stumble out my mouth before I could process. I'd be lying if I said that seeing Harry like this is not making me worried. I hate how quick I am to change my feelings. Just moments ago I was adamant on leaving and now I want to hold him and ask him what's wrong. 

"Not sure if you would understand." He mumbles, looking down at our feet. "Then make me understand Harry." I plead. "If you want so bad for me to stay and be a part of your little plan. I need to know. I need to know what you've done. I need to know what Ethan has done. What could be the consequences, how much trouble i would potentially be risking myself to be in. Then i will know if it's worth staying." his gloomy eyes stare back at mine before he lets out a small sigh and nods his head. 

"But do i have to right now? i'm kinda tired." He says.

"Yeah okay."

I was expecting him to release his demon grip on me and let me go but instead he dips down and wraps his hands under my thighs, hoisting me up, causing me to yelp out in surprise. In reflex, I wrap my arms around his neck to keep me from falling. Completely taken aback by this, I keep my mouth shut. 

He carried me to his bed, laying me down and climbing in next to me, under the covers. I stay frozen in my place, not knowing what to do. He switches the lamp off and snuggles into my neck, his hands pulling me close by my waist. 

As unusual as this is, I find myself enjoying his touch and warmth. 

Or maybe you're just touch-starved. My subconsciousness adds.

It's true, maybe I am. I've been deprived of any sort of physical or emotional human affection, this all feels weird yet comforting. I could see myself get used to it. 

I look down to see Harry peacefully resting his head, just above my chest. His plump pink lips are slightly parted, and his typically sharp jaw looks soft in this position, making him look much younger and softer. My eyes trail up to his beautiful curls sprawled across my shoulder.

He's a very attractive man, I never truly noticed his features up till now. Without realising I start running my fingers through his thick hair. It's very soft. This Harry is very different from the Harry i get to see. 

My eyelids soon become heavy and feel sleep take over me and I let it.

* * * * *

(a/n) I hope y'all read my author's note that i posted before this chapter. However, whenever I feel overwhelmed by my studies, i'll be sure to upload a little chapter. I had already written a few lines of this chpater a while ago so I thought I might as well finish it and give it to y'all after that little author's note. I'm not completely going underground so dont leave this story hyebdscibdjcb.

ALSO i had initially planned for grace to actually leave and then have some drama ensue. BUT  BUT BUT, i had someideascome to me so i'm doing something else.

what your thoughts and theories abt what harry is hiding or what happened the day before in this chapter?

i love y'all sm, thankyou for being patient w me. muah.

stay safe x

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