Chapter 13

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I wake up at 9:30 am with sadness in my heart knowing I will be heading back to New York today amd I won't be seeing Alex for some time.

The past two weeks changed me and now I just want to stay here.

I get ready and put on my leggings and a grey sweater along with my sneakers.

I already packed my bags last night which caused me to sleep late.

10:50 came with a knock on my door, both Sophia and Maddie had their stuff with them.

"Hey, you ready?" Sophia asks

"Yeah" I say with sadness in my voice as I let them in while I grab my stuff.

.....A Few Minutes Later.....

We arrived in the airport and we get out of the car and make our way through the airport.

Sophia receives a call "I have to get this, you guys go ahead"

Maddie and I nod though I find it very odd that Sophia took the call away from us (which she never has done).

I ignore it for the time being as Maddie and I take our seats on one of the chairs while waiting for Sophia.

"I will check something out at the store, I'll be quick" Maddie says getting up from her seat.

I nod as she makes her way to one of the stores. I scroll through my social media for about ten minutes while I wait for both of them.

Suddenly I get interrupted by someone clearing his throat. I look up to see Alex right in front of me.

"A-Alex?" I stutter as I get up from my seat.

He smiles at me and I hug him as he hugs me back. After a few seconds we both pull apart.

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"I thought I'd come with you to New York" he calmly says

"What? But you have things to do here"

"I know, but I already talked to my father and he said it was fine"

"And your mother?" I ask

"She agreed as well" he said with a smile.

"Don't you have your duties here?"

"It's all taken care of" he says as we take a seat on the chairs.

"How did you know my schedule?, aside from me telling you we leave the hotel by 11 am, Were you following me?"

"No, love, I asked Sophia last night what the schedule is for today"

"Thats why she did not answer the call in front of us" I say as I realize what she did.

"Mmhm" he says with a smile.

"Wait, was Maddie included as well?"

"Yes, I asked her to head to one of the stores as soon as you arrived to make sure you don't leave and wander around the airport because we all knew that you wouldn't want to leave your stuff unattended"

"Well that was an amazing surprise, Thank you" I say as I kiss him.

"Where did they go?" I ask him

"I have no idea about that one, let's just wait for them" he says and I nod as I lean on him for a few minutes, completely forgetting that we are in an airport until Sophia clears her throat.

"Let's go" Sophia says with Maddie right behind her.

"Where were you both?" I ask as Alex looks at the three of us.

"We went exploring around and eventually we got lost on our way back, thanks to someone" Maddie says as she glares at Sophia.

"How is that my fault? I just wanted to look at the stores and you followed me" Sophia says

"Well I-" Maddie starts to speak until I cut her off.

"Okay, I think we should get going already" I say and they nod.

We all gather our things and make our way to Sophia's private plane.

That's when I notice his bodyguard, Jason a few feet away from us.

Alex explained that we couldn't take his private plane because he did not want to attract any attention and because it is only used for official visits.

We all make it in the private plane and we start our flight back to new york.

.....A Few Hours Later.....

We finally arrived  in New York and we all make our way to the waiting cars.

Apparently Alex has prepared for a car here in New York.

We are still currently in the airport gathering all our things.

Sophia will be driving herself back to her house (or shall I say mansion) while Maddie will be dropped off on the way.

Alex and I will be taking his car (along with the escort) to my appartment.

Alex planned to stay in a hotel but I invited him over to just stay in my appartment.

"Amelia we better get going, my father is expecting me" Sophia says while I notice her father's escort a few feet behind her.

"Alright, see you soon" I tell them as we go for a group hug while Alex just watches us.

"See you soon as well Alex" Sophia says as she waves at him followed by Maddie and he waves back at them.

Alex approaches me and puts his hand on my waist as we watch the car leave the area.

"Shall we get going?" He asks and I nod as we make our way to the car.

The car is a black SUV with tinted windows which makes it very hard to see from the outside.

We both get in at the back while Jason sits in front and starts to drive.

I give my address to Jason and I lean my head on Alex's chest.

"What do you want to do?" I ask him as I look up to look at him.

"Anything as long as its with you" he says as he kisses me.

"Well I have work tomorrow" I say "so we don't have much time, What will you do while I am at work?"

"Don't worry, I also have some meetings here in New York, I was assigned to attend"


The rest of the ride was filled with light conversation until we made it to my appartment.

I open the door and my appartment looks just how I left it.

Alex and I enter followed by Jason with our things.

"Your Highness, Ms. Peterson if you need anything I will be in the room down the hallway" Jason says

Jason will be staying with my neighbor/his friend, Mike, since Alex will be staying with me (though it took time to convince Jason to let Alex stay in my appartment, due to protocol)

We both nod and he closes the door as he leaves. I look at Alex as he looks around and speaks "you have a beautiful apartment"

"Thank you, come on, let me show you around" I tell him as he follows me.

Author's Note

Word Count: 1164

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