Chapter 6

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I was shocked with his question. I ended up staring at him for a few seconds while he watched me closely.

"I-I think I heard something else can you repeat what you just said?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks while looking at me for any reaction.

"Uhmm..., I-I..." I am at a loss for words while he just patiently waits for me.

"I know it's so sudden but, there's something about you, you aren't like anyone I've met or been with. When we kissed last night I felt something different, I know you felt it too" he says as we look at each other for a while.

Thankfully we got interrupted as our dessert arrives, he waits a while before the man leaves and he speaks again.

"Look it's up to you, I am not forcing you, it is your choice"

"I think I need a few minutes first to think this through" I say as he nods and we start to eat our dessert.

While we are eating I start to think about my answer, Do I say yes or no? Yes, I like him but I am scared, If I say yes that would mean there is a possibility of me being the future queen? Will I even be able to handle all the pressure with just dating him?

Sure, he looks amazing and there's something about him, but is it worth it?

I excuse myself to go to the restroom and as soon as I enter I grab my phone and call Maddie.

"Amelia?" She answers

"Maddie! I need help" I whisper shout

"Woah! calm down what is going on?"

"Alex..." I wasn't sure if I should tell Maddie or not.

"Alex what?" She asks

"..." I remain silent thinking if I am doing the right thing or not.

"Hello? Amelia?" She calls out as I am brought out of my thoughts.


"What happened?"

"Alex asked me to be his girlfriend"

Maddie screamed very loudly that I had to move the phone away from my ear until she was able to calm down.

"What did you say?" She asks excitedly.

"I told him to give me a few minutes to think about it"

"So what did you decide?" She asks

"I don't know, that is why I called you" I say as I start to pace around the restroom.

"Just think, do you like him?"


"Do you want to be with him?"

"I guess so, but what if it doesn't work out and it just ends horribly like what happened with Andrew"

"You won't know until you try" she says as I stop pacing and I take a deep breath.

"Alright, listen I have to go" I say

"Okay, see you later, call me if there's anything else" she says

"See you later" I say as she ends the call. I look in the mirror and I fix my hair as I go out and head back to the table, However Alex was not there.

I look to my left and there he was standing looking out at the view.

"I thought you already left me here" he says as I approach him.

"Sorry, Maddie called me asking for advice, she has an online date with her boyfriend"

He nods and we just stand there in silence for a few minutes admiring the view the kingdom has to offer.

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