Chapter 51

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.....Two Days Later.....

Its been two days already and we still don't have any clues at all.

In the pass two days I kept on going back to the parking lot to see if we missed out on something. Unfortunately there's nothing there.

I called her parents and Abby yesterday and currently they are already on their way here with the private jet I sent for them along with some security to ensure nothing happens..

The security team has been working straight these past twodays, trying to find out who kidnapped her and where they brought her.

I could barely sleep and whenever I do I end up having a dream about her.

I watch through the window as people start to go on with their normal lives.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as David along with Allison, the head of security, enters through the door without knocking.

"Your Highness, we're sorry for the intrusion but I think you should see this" Allison says as I turn to face them both and nod and she brings the Ipad to me.

"Sir, this is the security footage from the night she was taken"
She says as we both watch.

I watch as Amelia starts to walk closer to the car with her things until a person in a black mask grabs her from behind and puts a piece of cloth as she struggles to get free of his grip.

A few seconds later her body goes limp and the man carries her and a black SUV appears on screen.

The man brings her inside and the car drives away with Amelia.

"We are trying to track the route of the car through other cameras around" she says as I nod.

"Did you get anything else?" I ask

"Aside from the plate number, no" she says as I nod once more and stare out the window as she excuses herself to go back to her job.

.....A Few Hours Later.....

"Your Highness!" David says as he bursts through the door.

"The press know" he says approaching

"Shit" I mutter as I fix my suit and I get up from my seat.

"They are standing outside the gate preventing any exit and entry to and from here" David says as we walk through the palace halls towards my father's office.

After a few more seconds we make it and David stays outside as I enter to spot both my parents inside talking.

"Alex, is there something wrong?" Mother asks as they both look at me.

"The press know" I say as they stare back at me.

"I can release a statement" father says as I just nod and I slump down on the seat across my father.

Mother approaches me and hugs me before speaking "We'll find her, she's a strong woman and I know she won't give up anytime soon"

"Where is her family?" Father asks

"On their way here at the moment" I say as both of my parents nod.

.....A Few Days Later.....

-----Amelia's POV-----

I don't know how long I've been here already but I know its already been a few days.

Everyday a man would bring me some food at first I was having doubts and turnning down the food but then when Andrew found out he started beating me until I lost consciousness and since then I was forced to eat.

Every other day Natalie would come and beat me as well.

If they wanted a punching bag I am sure I could've bought them one...

I am pretty sure I look like a zombie by now. I haven't seen myself ever since I was kidnapped and I never got to shower either.

Whenever I needed to use the restroom a bodyguard would wait outside the restroom and escort me back to the room and lock it once more.

I was released from the chair but still stuck in the room.

I tried to escape once when I went to the restroom and someone caught me and brought me back to the room and when Andrew was informed he beat me once more.

Andrew said we would be leaving Othilia in one week and I didn't want to leave with this psycho.

I especially didn't want to leave Alex. Ever since I was kidnapped all I could think about was him. How is he? If only I could see him just even once more...

The door opens and Andrew walks in and sits on the bed beside me.

"It seems people know about your disappearance already, but don't worry I'll make sure you never return here once we leave" he says as he caresses my cheek and I move away but he pulls me towards him.

He leans in to kiss me and I try my best to move away but he pulls me close and kisses me and I feel disgusted.

"I love you" he says as I just stare at him and he grabs my chin harshly.

"Answer!" He says slightly shouting.

"I DON'T love you" I say and immeadietly he slaps me.

"You better learn to answer properly or there will be consiquences" he says in a threathening tone.

"Am I understood?" He asks as I nod and he kisses my head before he leaves the room and I hear the sound of it locking amd I feel a few tears slipping out of my eyes.

I lay down on the bed (that was placed in when they released me from the chair) and let all my tears flow down freely.

"I miss you so much Alex I hope you're doing fine, I love you so much" I whisper as I look at the pendant with his picture and my family's on it.

I miss my family so much as well and I miss everything about my life before I was even kidnapped.

I wish I could at least see all the people I love once more before I am forced to leave Othilia with a psycho.

Author's Note:

Word Count: 1014

Hope you liked it.

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