Chapter 30

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Today I will be going back to New York.

Curently Alex and I are trying to fit all my things in my luggage.

"I have an idea" Alex says as he sits down.

"What?" I ask

"These are your options. Leave those items here since you will be coming back here sooner or later or I can lend you my bag to use so they all fit"

"I think I will continue to try and fit them all in here"

Before I try and make another attempt to close it Alex opens it and grabs the clothes that were bought yesterday.

"What are you doing?" I ask

"We are going to place these in my room so you can leave these here"

"There is no need, I can make it fit"

"That's what you said for the past hour"

"Fine, Lets go" I say as we both walk out of my room.

We enter Alex' room and I realized I haven't been here.

The room is huge at the center is a bed with one night table each and in front of the bed is a couch with two small ones beside it and a coffee table.

In front of the couch is a fireplace and on top of the fireplace is a TV.

On the left side of the bed is a walk in closet filled with a lot of Alex' clothes and other things.

On the right side of the bed is the bathroom.

The bathroom looked very elegant it had marble countertops and a few gold details around.

I walked further into the room and pass the bed and there is this huge window with a door leading to a balcony.

There are two chairs with one table as well that are facing the windows.

I open the door and go out and you can see a view of the kingdom along with a few of the mountains surrounding and the wind was very refreshing.

"Amazing isn't it?" Alex says as puts an arm on my shoulder making me jump a little.

"Yes, it is" I say as I lean on him.

.....A Few Minutes Later.....

Alex and I are in my room just sitting on the couch when I decided to ask him something.

"Do you have any plans for the Holidays?" I ask

"Probably the same thing every year which is just a Christmas ball, unless you want to come back here?"

"I can't I am going to my parents house" I say as I think of a way for us to spend the holidays together "How ahout we spend Christmas in my parents house then New Year here?"

"We could, though I will have to ask mom and dad first since I won't be present for the ball"

"Alright, just tell me so I can tell my parents if you're coming" I say as he nods and we continue to talk.

.....A Few Hours Later.....

I am leaving to the airport in about forty minutes.

My bags are already in the car.

I grab my phone and take one last look in the room to make sure I didn't leave anything.

"Are you ready?" Alex asks entering my room since the door was open he probably spotted me while he was on his way.

"Yes, just making sure I didn't leave anything" I say as we both exit my room arm in arm with one another.

We reached the back entrance/exit alreadt and both Victoria and Edward are waiting for us.

"Amelia we are going to miss you" Victoria says hugging me as I do the same.

"I will miss you all as well" I say

"When can you visit us?" Victoria asks

"I am not yet sure I've been very busy with work lately" I decided to not tell them yet about our holiday plans and let Alex be the one to tell them.

"Alright" Victoria says as she hugs me once more before Edward speaks.

"Do come visit when you have the time" he says

"I will, I promise" I say as we both hug as well before I finally turn to Alex.

Alex wanted to accompany me to the airport but he had engagements to attend to.

"Call me when you land" he says

"I will" I say

"I love you" he says

"I love you too" I say as I kiss him

"Aww, aren't they the perfect couple?" Victoria says as I pull away from Alex to hide my blushing face.

"Mother" Alex says

"I better get going now, I don't want to be late for my flight" I say as I hug and kiss Alex once more before I wave to them and enter the car.

.....The Next Day.....

I got back safely yesterday and now I am just staying at home since it's a Sunday today.

I decided to make a bagel sandwhich for breakfast along with some coffee to go with it.

I eat my breakfast and after I was the dishes I walk to the living room and use my phone.

.....A Few Hours Later.....

While I was using my phone I received a message from Sophia and right before I get to see the message she calls.

"Hello" I say

"Check the link I sent you"

"Why? What is it?"

"Just check it out" I put her on speaker while I check the link that she sent.

I open it and I feel my world shatter into tiny pieces.

'Prince Alexander of Othilia was seen kissing his ex girlfriend Natalie in a cafe this morning'

How could he cheat on me? And isn't that the Natalie who I met in the ball?

"Amelia? Amelia?" Sophia says pulling me out of my thoughts

"I got to go" I say and immeadietly end the call without waiting for her to reply.

After I end the call I can feel a few tears coming out of my eyes.

She tries to call me so I decide to turn off my phone and leave it in the living room and head to my room.

When I reach my room I couldn't help it anymore so I sat on my bed and cried for the rest of the day.

I thought Alex was different, that he cared but I was wrong he is just like Andrew.

Author's Note:

Word Count: 1066

Hope you liked it.

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