Chapter 28

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-----Amelia's POV-----

I woke up due to the sunlight that has entered the room.

I forgot to close the curtains last night.

I move a bit and I was surprised to see Alex sleeping beside me. And memories from us watching last night came back to me.

Wait, did I finish the movie? I don't remember the ending?

"Good morning" I was pulled out of my thoughts by Alex speaking

"Good morning" I say as I sit up leaning on the headboard of the bed.

"Did we finish the movie last night, I can't remember the ending"

"Well" he says while sitting up as well "you fell asleep before we were even half way through the movie"

"I did?" I ask

"Mhmm" he says while nodding "I finished a bit pass half way then I fell asleep"

"I think we were both too exhausted to watch the movie"

"I agree" he says while standing up "but now we must get changed already"

"Why?" I ask

"Because, we are going somewhere"


"You will see later, just get dressed for the day"

Before I can say anyhting else he kisses my forehead then leaves the room. Leaving me speachless.

.....One Hour Later.....

I decided to wear a long sleeve, dark blue and grey striped dress with my black ankle boots and shoulder bag.

We have a quick breakfast with Edward and Victoria before we leave.

Currently we are on our way to...

I have no idea where.

We are in the car with Jason driving.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" I ask as I face him

"Just wait, we're almost there already"

.....A Few Minutes Later.....

The car stops in front of...the orphanage?!?

Alex gets out first while offering me a hand.

I take it and as soon as I get out of the car, Alex puts his arm around my waist as we walk towards the orphanage.

The same manager greets us.

"Your Highness, Ms. Amelia, it's wonderful to see you again"

"Thank you" we both say

"They've been very excited" she says as she leads us to the children.

"Everyone Th-" Before the manager could say anything else Alex and I were hugged by all of them.

"Can we play with the dolls?" Ella asks me as I nod.

"Can we play with the cars?" A young bot asks Alex as he agrees.

Alex and I were both brought to different parts of the room.

We all played with the different toys and games.

The room was filled with Happiness and laughter.

.....A Few Hours Later.....

After spending time with the kids for a few hours we had to leave already.

Like last time everyone was sad cause they did not want us to leave yet.

We make our way to the exit with everyone including the manager.

"We cannot thank you enough, Your Highness and Ms. Amelia, The children really adore you both" She says as Alex and I chuckle.

"We want to give you this, it's not much but hopefully you both like it" she says as she hands us a scrapbook.

I open the scrapbook to see a photo of all of us taking a group hug.

The next few pages are filled with the handprint of each child along with a picture and a short message from each.

"Thank you so much, it looks amazing" I say as the manager nods.

"It is, Thank you for allowing us a visit" Alex says

"It's our pleasure, please visit us anytime you wish" she says as we both nod at her.

I look at the back to see an empty page.

"How about we take a picture of all of us for the final page?" I ask as they all look towards me.

"Sure" the manager says.

We all position ourselves at the front steps of the orphanage.

Alex and I at the middle and the children all around us.

We all face the camera and smile.

After the picture taking the manager quickly enters her office to print the picture as we continue to talk to the others.

About five minutes later she comes back out with the picture.

"Here you go" she hands it over to me as Alex and I both look at it.

I smile at the picture. This is one thing I will never forget.

"Thank you" Alex says

We do one last group hug before we have to leave.

"Do you have to go?" One child asks

"Please, stay" Another one says

And more speak about us staying.

"I will visit you all when I come back here, okay?" I say as they all sadly nod and I can feel the tears coming out of my eyes already.

We thank the manager once more before Alex and I enter the car.

I wave at them until the car starts moving already.

I continue to hold the scrapbook as a few tears escape my eyes without me noticing.

Alex puts an arm around me as I let a few tears out.

.....One Hour Later.....

We made it back to the palace and we enter and walk towards my room.

"Alex, Amelia, Where have you both been, I've been looking for you both"

"We went to the orphanage" Alex says as I try to wipe any proof that I was crying awhile ago.

"Alex, can you give us a few minutes?" Victoria says as ex looks at me sort of asking me.

I nod as he leaves us in the hallway and Victoria puts an arm around me as a few tears still flow down from my eyes, she tries to calm me down as we walk.

She moves us to the nearest room which is one of the sitting rooms.

We both take a seat on the couch as she rubs my back to sort of calm me down.

"It's okay to cry" she says in her motherly voice "Did you know that I also cried when I first went to that orphanage?"


"Yes, I did not want to leave them behind, so I made myself a promise to help and visit them as much as I can"

We continue to talk for a few more minutes and in the process I got to know Victoria even more.

Author's Note:

Word Count: 1061

Hope you liked it.

The Future Queen Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora