Chapter 46

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*Mentions of Abuse*

.....One Month Later.....

-----Amelia's POV-----

I woke up to see Alex still asleep beside me. I quietly get up from bed and start to get ready.

I decided to wear a white top with with jeans and a navy blue cardigan.

After I changed I made my way to the kitchen to start making our breakfast.

While I was cooking our breakfast I felt a pair of hand snake their way around my waist as his head goes by my neck.

"Good Morning" I say as I continue to cook our meal.

"Morning" he says kissing me on the cheek before speaking "I need coffee"

"It's right there" I say as I gesture towards the cup of coffee on the counter as he thanks me before he walks towards the steaming hot cup of coffee.

.....A Few Minutes Later.....

We just finished eating a few minutes ago and we are starting to pack up my appartment.

In about two weeks I will be moving out of New York so I decided to start packing up my stuff and Alex decided to help me out.

I informed my family a few weeks ago and they didn't really want me to leave but they respected my decision and Alex told them they can come and visit Othilia anytime or Alex and I could visit them as well.

I already resigned from my job after I finished my last project and Ethan didn't really want me to leave but approved my resignation letter anyways. We agreed to see each other soon before I leave for Othilia since we are both good friends out of work.

There were a few things that were alteady brought to Othilia but majority of my stuff are still here.

I grab my things on the desk and I start to place them in one of the boxes that were all over the appartment.

Alex is transferring the things I have under the bed and into the boxxes.

"Who owns this?" Alex asks as I turn to face him and see that he is holding one of Andrew's sweaters that I kept when we were together.

"It belongs to Andrew, I forgot to give it to him" I say as I turn back to what I was doing to prevent any further questions.

"Who is Andrew?" He asks and this time I don't turn anymore to face him.

"My ex in university" I say as I place in more things inside the box

"What happened?" He asks

"I don't want to talk about it..." I say as I get up and walk towards the balcony.

I just stare at the busy streets of New York until Alex places his hand on my shoulder. I turn around and he cups my face with one hand as the other moves my hair aside.

"If you're not ready to tell me, I won't force you too" he says as we stand there for a few seconds just staring into each others eyes.

"I want to tell deserve to know" I say as I walk inside with him following behind before closing the door and we both sat on the bed.

"Andrew was my first boyfriend. We were in school together and I was very much in love with him that time. We lived together in an appartment we shared and bought on our own. We were together for two and a half years" I say as I take a breath and I can feel the tears threatening to fall.

"One day I got a call from my parents and it turns out my dad's sister died. I was close to my aunt and I was very sad those few weeks after but anyways. I decided to stay with my parents until the funeral. Andrew couldn't come with me cause he had other things to do. I was planning to return a week after the funeral. But plans changed and I decided to go back earlier" I say as a few tears come out.

"I decided to surprise him so I did not bother to call him. When I got to the appartment I entered and I heard two voices coming from our bedroom. I entered and I saw Andrew with one of my former best friends in bed together" I say as even more tears start to fall and Alex notices as he wipes them away.

"Shh, calm down" he says as he pulls me closer to him and hugs me.

"A-and then s-she told me that they've been together for almost a y-year already and I-I did not even know anything about it. After I saw them both I grabbed my bags and packed everything inside then walked over to him and I slapped him on the face then I left and never looked back" I say taking another breath before continuing once more.

"I asked Sophia if I could crash in her place for a while and she agreed. After I dropped of my stuff and got settled I went to the c-closest bar in town and that's when things got out of hand"

"I drank all of my worries and problems away. While I was drinking he approached me and t-told me that we should go back home already and with my drunken state I agreed and we both left the bar. When we got back we walked inside the house and he locked the door and started b-beating and kicking me until I could no longer keep any conscious and I passed out on the floor" I say with even more tears now and I pause for a few more seconds as Alex continues to rub my back before I continue.

"I woke up the next day and I could barely move with all the pain I was feeling both physically and mentally. I reached out for my phone and called Sophia to come and she did, thankfully Andrew wasn't there. She helped me out and took care of me and even told me to report him to the cops but I declined her cause I didn't want to be reminded of what he did to me and to see his face in court"

"I am such a fool for not noticing all the times he said he was meeting up with friends or something just to meet with her"

"Hey, You're not a fool, if anyone's a fool it's him because he cheated on you and missed the chance to be with the most amazing woman I've ever met" he says while cupping my face and wiping away my tears.

"You're not a fool alright?" He says as I nod and he kisses me in a slow and loving way.

"I love you" he says as he kisses my head and continues to hug me.

"I love you too" I say and I fall asleep in the arms of the man I love.

Author's Note:

Word Count: 1177

Hope you liked it.

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