Chapter 49

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.....Two Weeks Later.....

Its been about two weeks since I officially moved to Othilia and I sold my appartment.

Victoria and Edward were glad that I moved to Othilia already.

Today was just like a normal day for me. I even already had my routine planned out.

I have started working already since last week, Alex surprised me with the job when I arrived here.

Right now I am on my way to have breakfast with Alex, Victoria and Edward.

Alex went ahead since Edward called for him before breakfast. Alex has a meeting to attend to later so I might go explore the kingdom.

I enter and greet everyone before I take a seat beside Alex.

We are immeadietly served breakfast as we start to talk with one another.

"Amelia, do you have any plans today?" Victoria asks as she looks at me.

"No, though I might explore around the kingdom" I say as she nods.

.....A Few Hours Later.....

We just finished breakfast and Alex is already in his meeting while Victoria and Edward both have an engagement to attend to.

Though both Victoria and Edward invited me to join. I politely declined their offer and decide to just go exploring today.

I informed Alex before he went to his meeting that I'll be out and to meesage me when he's done.

I left my car with my parents so I had to use one of the palace cars.

I grab my bag and start my walk towards the entrance where I spot Jason.

"Jason, can I borrow a car" I ask

"Of course, wait one moment" He says as he approaches and speaks to a nearby staff before walking back to me.

"Do you need any assistance?" He asks

"No, thank you, I'll be driving myself"

"I'll be following right behind you" He says

"There's no need at the moment. Nobody knows about me being here yet" I say

"Does His Highness know?" He asks as I nod and the car is brought in front of us by another staff.

Okay Alex doesn't know. He thinks I have security with me but I just want to have a day without any security before people find out that I moved here.

I thank them both as I enter the car and put on my seatbelt as I start to drive out of the gates.

.....A Few Minutes Later.....

I decided to park the car and just walk around and explore.

I put on my shades and a cap to prevent people from recognizing me.

I parked the car in an open parking lot with very few people parked in it.

I get out and I start to walk around.

I checked several stores and bought several items as well.

.....A Few Hours Later.....

I hear my phone ringing as I grab it from my bag to see it's Alex calling.

"Hello?" I say as I notice that it's already dark outside and I decided to go home.

"Amelia, why did you leave without any security? Where are you so I can pick you up?" He asks

"Alex, I'm fine, I'll be back in a few minutes, I'm on my way to the car" I say as I start to walk towards the parking lot "I'll see you when I get back" I say as he agrees and ends the call while I continue to walk towards the car.

I feel like someone is following me and I turn around to see no one behind me or nearby.

I quicken my walk towards the car. I notice that there were only a few cars left in the parking lot.

I walk a bit more and when I'm just a few steps away from the car someone grabs me from behind and covers my mouth with a piece of cloth.

I try to release myself from the persons grip but he holds me in place until I slowly lose consciousness and the last thing I feel is being carried.

.....One Hour Later.....

-----Alex' POV-----

Where is she? Its been about an hour already. Where did she even go?

I call her phone and she still won't answer. I've been trying for three times already and it's unlike her to not answer my calls.

I continue to wait for her in my office as I pace around until there's a knock on the door and it opens and David enters.

"David please call Jason over" I say

"Of course, Your Highness" He says as he exits.

A few minutes later there's another knock and both David and Jason appear.

"Jason did she mention where she was going?" I ask looking at him as I continue to pace around.

"No sir" he says

"Send a search party, I've been calling her phone but she's not answering and Jason please prepare the car" I say looking at both of them.

"Of course Your Highness" David says as Jason agrees and they both leave.

.....A Few Minutes Later.....

"Sir your car's ready" David says as I get up from my seat and start to walk out before I stop in front of him.

"Inform me immeadietly, if she arrives" I tell David as he nods and I walk towards my car.

"Alex, where are you going" I hear my mother speak as I turn around to face her and she approaches me.

"Amelia's missing, she won't answer my calls, she last told me she was heading to the car and that was almost two hours ago, I'm going with the search party" I say and my mother was left in shock with what I just said.

"I'll inform your father, you go ahead and find her" she says

"Thank you " I say as I walk back towards my car.

"Jason you take the other car, it will be easier to find her if we split up" I say as he nods.

We all go to different places though Jason remained just a few streets away from me.

I continue to drive around looking for her or the car.

My phone rings and I answet the call as I quickly park the car at the side.

"Jason, any update?" I ask as I look out the window.

"Sir the car is spotted" He says and I can tell there's more.


"She's nowhere to be found" he says and I feel like my world is crumbling.

"Send me the address" I say as I start to drive and follow the directions Jason gives until I end up in a parking lot with a bit of the search team as well.

I spot the car and I notice her bag and probably the items she bought were all scattered on the floor including her phone.

I grab the phone and open it to confirm it's hers. I open it and I am greeted with one of our pictures from our date. It is her phone but where is she?

I look around as the whole team start investigating for any clues that could help find her. I felt a few tears escape my eyes as I quickly wipe them away.

I will find you, my love.

Author's Note:

Word Count: 1209

Hope you liked it.

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