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Arden's POV

Having late lunch with his eldest daughter, Blair after personally picking her up on her karate session.

"Honey, I have a weird question to ask you?"

"Oh no!" She answers quickly. "You're not giving me the 'TALK', are you Dad?

I was stunned with her question. Then I figure, what she's referring to. I shake my head violently. God, NO! I'm not going to talk safe sex with my daughter. Definitely a NO! NO! She's my baby, my little girl for goodness sake. I raise my both hands and waive that that's a NO. "Not that topic sweetheart. And we had a deal, remember? No boyfriend until your thirty-ish." I said humoring her. She giggles. She was joking me about the "TALK."

"It was a joke, dad." She laugh.

"Haha. Not funny." I said. Because it is. I want my princess to not think anything about something like that.

"Sorry Dad. I admit, it's a bad joke." She paused and drink the water in front of her. "Then, what would you like to ask me about."

"Yeah that, I was wondering Where do kid your age gets alcohol?"

"Dad? whaaat?" Looking at me funny with my question.

I just shrugged my shoulder. "Just curious. Does anybody still makes fake ID to get alcohol nowadays or bribe someone older to get it for them?"

"We can buy it ourselves nowadays, Dad. All we need is a credit card. It's easier than getting into an R-rated movie." I just look at her disbelief written all over my face. I just can't fathom on how that works nowadays.

Then suddenly a waitress passed by and my daughter calls on her. "Excuse me?"

"Yes, how can I help you?" The waitress ask.

"I'll take whatever's lite on tap." Asking the waitress up for an alcohol upfront without batting an eyelash.

The waitress looks at me and ask , "how about you, Sir?"

I shake my head and answer, "uh, she's gonna have an iced tea and I'm fine with just water, thank you." I nod looking at the waitress and repeat the word, "Iced tea." And points toward my daughter. Whose now smiling wide at me.

The waitress nods at me, confusion in her face, taking a glimpse on my daughter smiling face and back at me again before she leaves our table.

"See, it's easy." My daughter proving her point. I just stares at her, shocked is  an understatement. "Don't worry about it Dad, I don't even like beers."

"If you did, would you tell me?"

She smiles. "No." She answers honestly.

"Guess I'll just have to read your diary." I joked.

She laughs. "Dad, no one keeps diaries anymore. If you want to find out what the kids are up to, you just read their web pages. We post stuff there we'd never talk about anywhere else."

I shake my head smiling. "Thanks for the tip, Princess."

"Anytime, Dad." She answers with a smirk on her face.

We change the subject and enjoy our meal and talked about her karate and upcoming tournament.

Day have passed. I've been meaning to talk with Belle about something.

"Muffin?" I whisper to her ear.

"Hmmm." She stirs and hugs my middle tightly letting me know she's listening.

"Do you remember when I used to take up the twin to the playground, and the grocery store, whatever." I ask reminiscing the time we had only the twins.

"Of course. You would watch Blair and Adi intently. Especially Blair'."

"Because Blair is our baby girl. But it wasn't just her or Adi that I would watch, obssesively. It was the men. People all around. To protect them from what they might do." I Paused.

"Okay? What is it, Ar?"

"The other night, erm. Her date comes to pick her up. And all I'm thinking is, what is this guy gonna do to her?"

"I know." Belle answers, agreeing with me.

"I never think, she'd be capable of feeling and loving someone on her own."

"Your daughter caring for someone does not mean she loves you any less."

"I know that."

"I understand, You wanna be the only man in her life."

"No." I replied, but then Belle props her head and looks at me hard, trying to make me admit that that's how I feel. "Sort of." I answered, giving onto her scrutiny.

Belle caressed my faces and kiss me gently. "But always always remember that you are and will ever be your daughters first love."

I hold her face in both my hands and kissed her passionately. "Thank you, Muffin. I needed to hear that."

"You're welcome, Arden. Now let's go to sleep."she kissed my chest and laid her head there.




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Bestfriend or Best LoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora