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Belle's POV

A little over a year later...

"Happy birthday, Ardie Braden Chase Campbel Langley!" Arden and I say together as I place the small cake in front of him. Ardie looks at us with that bright blue eyes and then immediately sinks his little hands in, grabbing fistfuls of the cake and stuffing them into his mouth. Which makes his older brother Adi and sister Blair laugh at him with delight, their cousin Callie and Camden joined in with the laughter - my brother Caleb's kids.

I feel Arden's arms come around my waist as he pulls me close to him. When he lifts his hand to wipe away the tear, it's then I realize I'm crying.

"You okay, muffin?" He whispers in my ear as our one-year-old laughs maniacally while he makes a mess.

I don't know if I can answer without sobbing, so I just nod my head.

"He's still our baby," Arden says, and I feel the smile in his voice.

Taking a deep breath, I try to enjoy the moment "I'm being ridiculous. I know."

"Never. He's getting so big so fast."
Looking around the room, I see our family, friends helping celebrate baby Ardie's first birthday. There are a lot of other parents with their kids who are running around and having a good time too. This is a happy occasion and I'm spending it crying. I didn't realize how emotional this was going to be, but I guess seeing my little guy turning one has hit me harder than I expected.

Ardie's happy face with our twins makes me smile, and feeling the warm security of Arden's arms helps me relax.


Arden's POV

"Birthday parties are hard to plan, isn't it?" The woman ask.

I look at the woman and try to remember what her name is. Belle is so good with keeping all the kids' parents straight, and I know if I call her something it's going to be the wrong thing.

"My wife handles everything." I scan the room to see where she's gotten to, but I'm sure she's playing hostess and making sure everyone is having a good time.

"Belle sure is busy." She laughs at her own joke as she moves closer to me. "It must be hard with a wife who is always taking care of everyone else's needs."

"How so?" I'm genuinely confused. How could having an amazing wife be a hardship?

"I just speak from experience is all." She places her hand on my arm and I stare down at it. Why the hell is she touching me? "My ex-husband was always doing so much for everyone else and then I realized he was doing most of it to the babysitter."

I take another step back and her hand falls away. She sips her drink and for a moment I wonder if there's alcohol in it. Did Belle give out drinks for the party and not tell me?

"I need to find my wife."

"What's your rush?" She looks at me over the top of her cup and her eyes are glassy. "We could always find a cozy place to chat until she comes back."

"No thank you," I say, and then I feel someone come up behind me and wrap their arms around my waist. I sigh in relief because I know it's my Belle.

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