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Belle's POV

We arrived at the penthouse. Arden holds out his hand, frowning at me because I'm still feeling edgy. But he didn't ask any question, he lets me be.

Our dinner is Chicken chasseur. Arden and I are eating at the dining. I thought he could hold out until after dinner.

I pick at my food. I'm just not hungry. My stomach is knotted in a tight ball of anxiety.

"Belle, will you tell me what's wrong please?" Arden pushes his empty plate away, irritated. I gaze at him. "Please, you're driving me crazy."

After staying quiet for a couple of seconds. He ask again. Lifting my chin " Belle, come on, tell me what's wrong?"

I swallow and try to subdue the panic rising in my throat. I take a deep steadying breath. It's now or never. "I'm pregnant." I breathe out.

He stills, and he was frozen at his spot. The way his body tenses for a couple of seconds. Very slowly his lips curving up into a smile as his arms begins to wrap around me. "You're pregnant?" He whispers.

"I'm pregnant." I nod and said again.

His eyes lights up with joy as what I just said finally registered in his brain and he falls to his knees pulling me and wrap his arm around my waist.

"Really?" He ask. "You're really pregnant?" I nod. "We are going to have a baby?" I nod again. Since, I can't seem to find my voice. Arden hugs me tight.

"Arden, your crushing me." I groaned, even though I'm secretly enjoying his tight grip on me.

"When did you find out?" He asks, one hand on my stomach which spread warmth all over my body, letting me relax.

"This Morning, the test with Dr. Rove." I reply with my hand placing in his shoulders, as he keeps on holding me close, letting me lean forward towards his body.

He frowns, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know—-," I groaned. "you're busy, and I'm busy, I was just scared if you wanted a baby this soon. I was just scared?" I confessed my thoughts to him.

A deep sigh escape his lips. "Belle, you've known me twenty three years now. It might seem early for some couples out there but we've known each other long enough to go through this. That's not even that matter here." He stops. "My point is... you don't have to doubt me, we're best friends, we're husband and wife, we're supposed to go through this stage. I will love our baby, just as much as I love you." He adds before slowly leaning in and kissing my forehead.

He quickly releases and gazed down at me with enough admiration to make my worries all go away. "Thank you. Thank you for everything. And I love you! I love you and our baby." He kneels down and peppered my stomach with non stop kisses. "I know, you might think it's too early to be having a baby considering that we are still young. But I want to let you know that you've made me the happiest man." He states. I'm so happy too, that I can't help but have a teary eye. I smiled at him. He wipe the tear on my face with his thumb.

"Are you alright?" He ask.

I nodded my head. "Sometimes I wonder..." The words died in my throat, a part of her afraid to actually verbalize the thought. As if sensing her thoughts, Arden leaned in to place a soft kiss on her cheek.

"What?" he prodded.

"What if I turn out to be like a horrible mom?"

He nudged her chin, forcing her to look at him. "You don't even give up on stray cats or dogs that turn up on the streets. I seriously doubt you're going to do that with our child."

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