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Belle's POV

Belle geting ready for the party. Grabbing a make-up brush from the vanity table and started applying foundation onto her skin. After a few minutes, she studied her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was loosely curled, her make-up fresh. Now she just had to slip into her dress and she'd be ready to head out.

The outfit she'd chosen for the evening was a satin maxi dress in a deep maroon shade, with a plunging neckline and an open back, cut in a style that flattered her figure. It wasn't new, but it had been a while since she wore it. Soon she was dressed and in the process of adjusting the straps when Arden entered the bedroom, stopping midstride upon noticing her. For a few seconds he simply stood mesmerized, gaze fixated on her. Amused, she paid him no heed and instead started trying on different pairs of heels to see what worked best.

"Where are you going in that?" he asked.

"You know where." I answered him.

"To meet your ex-suitor for dinner."

Belle turned around to face him, shaking her head with exasperation when she saw the stubborn set of his jaw. "You were invited to come as long as you behaved yourself with him. You're the one who refused, remember?"

"Why would I want to have dinner with some pretty boy you used to date?"

"Because Brad is looking for a company where he can invest in." she retorted. "And if we let him, it would be amazing for us?"

Now he and the gang (my brothers and our friends Kyrie, Wren and Rylie) ran the biggest multi company that's making waves in the industry. Of course landing another investor like Brad would put the company on a different level altogether and Belle was determined to help. Even if Arden was dead set against working for someone she used to date.

"And stop acting like I'm going on some romantic dinner date with him," she chastised. "It's a party, his fiancé will be there. And Liz, then Caleb, not to mention Caden too." While Arden's  strength lay in making sure everything came together efficiently, Caden was the one who went out and schmoozed potential clients. Over the past few months Belle noticed Caden had a real talent for it and she was excited to see him work the room tonight, especially Brad.

Arden leaned back against the dresser, his gaze trailing down the length of her body. "When he sees you in that dress, he's not going to want to marry anyone else."

Even though he knew she was madly in love with him, Arden still struggled with jealousy. If anyone dared to look at her for longer than two seconds, he was triggered. If he could have his way, Belle would never see any man other than him, her brothers, our families and our friends that were a part of their extended family. Not that she would ever admit it to him, but she enjoyed his possessive nature and, at times, deliberately taunted him. Like, right now.

She sauntered towards him, hips swaying side to side, until coming to a stop directly in front of him. Arms linked together behind his neck, she reached up to brush his lips ever so softly. His eyes darkened, stark hunger written on his face. "How do I look?"

His voice was hoarse. "Terrible." He swallowed an audible breath. "You should remove this dress and wear something else that covers every inch of you." His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her against his chest.

"That's too bad," she murmured, trailing her lips down his neck. "I was hoping to seduce Brad into investing to us."

In one fall swoop he circled them around, and Belle found herself trapped against the wall with Arden now in charge. His eyes pored over her face, his body pressed against her tightly.

"Don't you dare joke about seducing someone else," he growled. She'd just casually suggested she seduce another man.

She felt him against her waist, and a small smile curved along her lips. "Or what? What will you do?"

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