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Arden's POV

The minute she fell asleep, I wrapped myself around her and ensured she wasn't getting away. I wake up to her soft, sweet curves pressed to mine, and I love waking up like this with her over and over and over again. I lay there for a good thirty minutes just holding her and do so despite the fact that we need to get back to the office where the company needs us.

I know the moment Belle is awake for no reason other than I just know. "You're awake," I murmur, nuzzling her neck, aware that she no longer smells like fruity-flowers, but rather like me, which I'll take over those sweet fruity flowers any day of any week.

"I'm awake," she confirms, rotating to look at me, her hand settling on my jaw, fingers raspy over my stubble; her hair wild and sexy, her mascara smudged under her eyes. "And this," she says. "is me in makeup that I have worn for twenty-four hours, and through too much drinks, and a lot of rolling around in our bed with you."

"The only thing better," I say, kissing her hand, "would be you in bed which is why we need to get up and get moving." I shift us, kiss her temple, and throw away the blankets to stand up. Since I'm in my boxers and she's in my shirt.

"Shouldn't we stay and wait for the twins?" Belle asks scooting off the bed, my oversized shirt draping her body, I looked away and went to the bathroom before I get tempted to take Belle again.

"The twins are in good hands," I return after I finish a quick shower and say, sitting down to get my underwear and pants and pull on my shoes and socks while Belle leans into the bathroom door still in my shirt. "We're leaving in twenty minutes." I stand up and walk in front of her. "I'm going to need a shirt, muffin."

She went to the closet and hand me a shirt. While she peel away my oversize shirt on her body. My gaze lowers, raking over her naked breasts and watching her pretty pink nipples pucker under my inspection. I toss the shirt, and bring her to me, her naked breasts pressed against my chest.

"The office can wait," I say but when I lean in to kiss her, her hand goes to my mouth.

"I need to brush my teeth. No kissing."

I laugh but concede, sliding my hand down her hip, and between her legs. "Even here?"

Her eyes glint with challenge, her hand pressing to the thick line of my erection. "How about here?"

My cock twitches against her palm and her lips curve. "That's a yes," she says, lowering herself to her knees, tugging down my underwear just enough to kiss the tip of my erection. I suck in a breath, and a moment later, she's got my cock in her hand, giving it a lick while casting me a coy, sexy look.

"You can come," she says. "I think I owe you that." With that announcement, she draws me in her mouth, sucking me deep and just like that I know that she owns me.


I'm getting ready for work, standing at the kitchen counter in a tie she gifted me a year ago, sipping coffee and trying like hell to remain still. This is my morning process while she's in the shower and getting dressed, I heard her humming so prettily to herself before I left her in our room. I stand here and struggle against the blinding urge to storm into our bedroom, pin her down and fuck her again. And Again. And Again. Even though I already had her.

Belle sails into the kitchen, her face bright and flushed and gorgeous.

She's wearing a dress that hugs her curves perfectly, and it molds to her gorgeous tits.

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