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Belle's POV

The hotel is having an event, and I need to come up with menu planning, decorations, table design, which should be within the expected budget for this special occasion. I'll be presenting this to our client first thing Monday.

"See, instead of here why don't we put the art piece here', let's changed this one, since this will go with the theme of the event, let's coordinate with the client if they have any allergies on food, so will be ready. And ask the chef to provide taste test on the menu this Monday. 'For the budget, you've done a pretty good job on this, your good in cash handling." explained Arden, helping me re-write my presentation.

"Yeah, you're right. It does look better." I agreed, finishing off the formatting and attaching it to my email as an advance copy for my subordinates copies.

"And you're happy now?" he then asked, reading it over once more. His thick frames rested sexily at the bridge of his nose. I was used to seeing him in glasses, yet I'd never really taken the time to appreciate how truly great he looked. The way they accentuated his glorious cheekbones and magnified his bright blue eyes; just beautiful. I always did have a thing for geeky boys and seeing Arden personally embody that was certainly making me look at him differently. Of course, it was completely inappropriate of me and I shouldn't have been having those thoughts. One night of passion and I was suddenly viewing him as more than just the boy who used to wear superhero T-shirts and ate cheese stings like nobody's business. Not to mention that I recently admitted I have a crush on him to my mom.

"Yep, I'm ready to send it if you think it's good enough," I replied, keeping my gaze locked firmly on the laptop's keyboard.

"Alright, sent!" he announced, clicking the button with dramatic flair. "I have a good feeling about this one." he added, pulling off his glasses.

"Yeah, me too. Thanks for the help Hotel Manager," I smiled, closing the lid and lying back on my bed.

Arden resisted the urge to join me and instead, stared at me from his seated position, choosing to rather awkwardly address the situation.

"Should we talk about last night, then?"

"Probably for the best," I said, gesturing towards my bedroom door. "Shall I bring our cakes in?" I asked, optimistic that sugar would help make everything more bearable.

"Absolutely," he smiled, well and truly on my level with regards to calorie intake.

I enthusiastically jumped off my bed and caught Caleb on his way out; tonight's class consisting of krav maga. Earlier on, he had asked if I wanted to join him and upon doing so, received a laugh to the face and a dramatic, "God, no." I really did admire his efforts at trying to get me fit but it was energy wasted. I was about as likely to engage in regular exercise as I was in starting up a romantic relationship with Arden.

Never gonna happen!

Instead, I bid him a swift farewell and quickly grabbed the cakes, keen to get back to Arden. I had no idea how this conversation between us was about to play out, but what I did know was that I couldn't admit how our shared night together was giving me unwanted thoughts. It would only confuse matters and add strain to an already tense circumstance. Surely it was natural to be experiencing these kinds of feelings after spending the night together and since I am a virgin or was. I don't want him to feel responsible and hold up his plans for me. What happened, happens. It didn't have to mean anything. Suffering a moment of weakness did not automatically translate to change. Sure, I found him extremely endearing and the sex was out of this world. Even if I didn't have anything to compare it too. But I think, I mean I know it was amazing. One question though, does this mean I wanted to sleep with him again?

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