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Belle's POV

With Arden wedged in between our two seater sofa and our bookshelf, I took it upon myself to enjoy the view. He appeared somewhat stuck and instead of helping, I simply sat back and silently giggled.

"You know for someone who hates horror movies, you have a rather impressive collection!" he shouted, oblivious to my presence only feet away.

I quickly threw the bag of popcorn on the coffee table and situated myself at the end of the arm rest, looking down on him with amused eyes.

"Most of those are Caden's, he liked horrors," I said, reaching for the remote control to turn down the volume on the television. "He never did come back to collect them," I added, neither here nor there with regards to my brother not collecting his laptop full of horror movie's after he moved to the university boarding school roughly a year ago or was it two now. I have no idea why does he keep them still, that's what netflix is for. Dumbass little kid. I shake my head smiling.

Arden snapped his head to the side and eyed me suspiciously, his shimmering blues meeting my boring greens in an apologetic plea.

"Why not get send it to him then?" he cautiously asked, standing up from his lying down position to grab the unopened bag of popcorn. "You doing the honours or shall I?" he then questioned, gaze set firmly on our mid-movie snack.

"You can," I smiled, rather enjoying his abruptness towards food. "And I dunno why I never throw them. Maybe my soon to be boyfriend will enjoy horror movies?" I suggested, certainly not missing his unease towards my saying so.

"What's with the crease on your forehead?"

"Nothing." Arden said avoiding my eyes.

"You don't like the idea of me having a boyfriend, do you?" I eyed him intently.

"Yes." He said in a whisper.

"Why?."I wanna know why.

"It might change how we are?"

"Why you think that, Ar. Like what I told you before, we are a team." That's it? That's his reason? But I thought, aah—well but my mom said, Arden likes me? Isn't that true? Oof... I dunno, anymore. Maybe my moms wrong.

It's not like I'm gonna leave. We are over this topic before. I think we have wdiscussed this back in college.



I am sitting in class, taking notes for the upcoming final when Amber turns to me. "You know that guy at the bottom on the left he keeps staring at you. do you know him?" she asks.

"He's been in this class for like a week," I answer.

My phone buzzes on my desk, almost falling off. I look down at it, and It's Arden. He skipped class today.

Arden: "Hey, muffin! Is class over yet? Can you meet me here for coffee after? I still have a hangover. And I need to borrow your notes."
Me: "Yeah, sure. I'll see you then." I put my phone back on the desk.

After taking notes and secretly chatting with Amber. The class was only minutes away from dismissal.

"Okay, guys, make sure to study for the final next week and have a good weekend." Mrs. Gerbie smiles, sitting back at her desk, going through some papers.

Amber and I pack our things, both standing from our desks and walking for the door. Amber waves at me, and I wave goodbye, and we go our separate ways.

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