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Taehyung  wasn't exactly happy right now. Clutching his drink in one hand, he watched the duo in front of him with narrowed eyes.

"Chill, you'll break the glass," he heard Jimin's teasing voice beside him

Scoffing, he took a big sip from his drink. "It's all your fault, anyway,"

"So...I'm not allowed to have a party before my own damn marriage?" It was Jimin's turn to scoff now

"That's not what I mean, Chim. It's just...did you really have to invite your co-workers? Couldn't it just be us 7?" Taehyung grumbled

"Tae, you do know I've worked with them for ages, right? I can't not invite them for something so special in my life."

Taehyung sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry, I'm being an asshole right now,"

Jimin chuckled. "They're pretty friendly, Tae. Even you'd admit that,"

"Yeah. A bit too friendly." Taehyung pierced holes through one dude's head

Jimin followed his gaze and laughed. "Oh, so that's why you're pissed? Dude, they aren't kissing or some shit."

"He's literally married. TO ME. Why would he kiss someone else?" Taehyung frowned, feeling a bitter taste in his mouth just at the thought of his Jungkook with anyone else

"Exactly, you shithead. He's just having a friendly conversation with the other guy, can you calm your balls and enjoy yourself too?" Jimin rolled his eyes

"I trust Jungkook with my everything, its just the other dude whom I don't trust. For fuck's sake, can't he see the big ass ring on Kook's finger? Why's he standing so close to Kook?" Taehyung rambled

"Dumbfuck, Yoongi's literally drunk out of his ass and clinging on Namjoon, do you see me worried?"

"That's Namjoon, who's with Jin. But this unknown dude over here–"


"Yeah, whatever. Mingyu's literally a cm away from throwing himself on Kook,"

"Gosh, Kook isn't even uncomfortable? Chill the fuck out,"

Taehyung took another swig from his drink, trying to look away from the duo in front of him.

It all started a month ago, after Yoongi and Jimin decided to adopt after marriage. Well, Yoongi couldn't really wait and wanted to have kids as soon as possible, and even though Jimin assumed it to be a joke initially, he realosed how seriously Yoongi took it, after the latter proposed to him in the middle of a beach.

Jimin was beyond touched, and decided to have a big ass wedding as soon as possible, even if he initially wanted to wait for a year or so. Taehyung convinced him that if he was genuinely sure about Yoongi, he doesn't really have to wait for so long, given that it has nothing to do with finances or mental capacity to take on the responsibility of a marriage.

Jimin was sold at the reasoning, and had called up his parents to let them know. Needless to say, both their parents were beyond supportive. Kim Daehyung had been briefed about it as well, abd surprisingly, the man had shown genuine emotion in years. Taehyung couldn't recall the last time he saw his father smile so warmly.

All in all, the wedding date had been fixed. Even though they had barely prepared for it, the venue and food had been decided upon atleast. Jimin had already made Taehyung's his best man, and Yoongi had one. He didn't have it in him to choose between Jungkook, Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok. And the rest were happy with the decision as well, Jungkook didn't really wanna fight with the other three over who gets to be Yoongi's best man, though he wouldn't have minded if he lost.

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