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Awkward. Real awkward.

Yoongi and Jungkook distanced themselves from the close proximity as soon as they saw Taehyung by the door.

Seeing them, Taehyung forgot all about his wallet. Instead, he felt a burn in the pit of his stomach.

He didn't even want to know what the fuck were they up to.

"Yoongi...we were so fucking stupid! We should've called the security guard!" Jungkook whispered into Yoongi's ear, taking no notice of Taehyung's piercing glare on him

"Only Tae has their number. He's the CEO, afterall." Yoongi whispered back

Jungkook nodded, and again there were no words exchanged.

Taehyung clenched his jaw, while walking to his cabin and emerging a moment later with his wallet.

"I'll drop you both home." Taehyung spoke, already walking ahead and not looking at them

"There's no need to drop me back. You can drop Yoongi."

"Did I fucking ask?" Taehyung turned around with a glare, effectively shutting Jungkook up

Yoongi sighed, already feeling the tension between them. Yet he was confused about why Taehyung wanted to drop them home. Taehyung barely gave a shit about his employees, yes, Yoongi was different...but Jungkook?

Even after Jungkook had declined, Taehyung still wanted to drop him back.

A small smile appeared over Yoongi's lips as he did the math.

Jungkook groaned as Taehyung started walking ahead again, obviously expecting them to follow behind him.

"C'mon, Kook." Yoongi ushered as he began walking ahead as well.

Jungkook pouted. Why doesn't Taehyung ever listen to him!

Jungkook must've stood there for a long time, because 2 minutes later, Taehyung appeared, looking tired as fuck.

"Can you stop being so stubborn for one fucking second?" Taehyung groaned

Jungkook just blinked, still registering his words. Finally, Taehyung gave up, and grabbed Jungkook's wrist in a tight grip. Next thing they know, Taehyung is practically dragging Jungkook to his car.

Once inside the car, Jungkook felt even more awkward. The ride was silent and no one said a word.

Until Yoongi broke the silence.

"Kook, what are your plans for tonight?" Yoongi bit his lip, eyeing Jungkook from the rearview mirror. Jungkook was slightly puzzled about the new tone. Yoongi never spoke like this...

Jungkook, who was in the passenger seat behind Yoongi, just shook his head rather adorably.

"I d-don't think I've got anything to do today." he answered, rather truthfully

"Great! I was hoping you could join me on din-"

"He has work. Night shift at the cafè." Taehyung butted in, not so subtly

Yoongi raised his brow, but smiled nonetheless. His mini plan seemed to be working. He knew Jungkook had work, but he just wanted to test Taehyung. Jungkook was oblivious to it.

Yoongi could see Jungkook scowling from the mirror. He chuckled at that.

"Hmm, but Kook just told me he's free." Yoongi spoke, feigning innocence

Taehyung scoffed.

"He just wants to bunk work. The lazy ass."

"I seriously don't have work tod-"

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