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Jungkook had been in his cabin almost the whole day. Taehyung still hadn't called for him. Jungkook checked if his ear-plug was in place just to make sure, and it was.

It had been just so long, that he and Yugyeom had an entire chat over a call. Yugyeom obviously confirmed Jungkook's assumption. It was BamBam. The one Yugyeome was dating.

Jungkook told him about the party at Saturday and he was all for it! Yugyeom had always been social and friendly, unlike Jungkook. Apparently, Yugyeom was bringing BamBam over as well. Saying it was a perfect time for Jungkook to meet him.

Jungkook agreed but cautioned he'd have to ask Yoongi first for permission.

Just as he was thinking about Yoongi, his door was burst open, and in stepped Yoongi, as if it was his own cabin.

He was startled to see Jungkook there as he expected him to be out, helping Taehyung.

"You'" Yoongi cocked an eyebrow

"Umm...this is my cabin?" Jungkook imitated Yoongi and cocked his eyebrow up as well

"Didn't mean it that way Kook, I just thought you were helping Taehyung with his files or something." Yoongi smiled

Jungkook was confused. If Taehyung had so much of work, he could've called for him!

"He hasn't called me till now...does he even know I'm here? Wait...what if I had to report to him after coming?! What if thinks I'm bunking, oh my..." Jungkook started panicking

Yoongi sighed as he watched the bunny-toothed boy go out in flames as he panicked.

"Kook. There are CCTV cameras fixed across this entire building. All the cameras are connected to Taehyung's computer, from where he can monitor what's going around the office. He must know if you're here."

Jungkook calmed down slightly at that.

"Does this cabin have a camera too?"

"Yup. But none of the cameras record voices. It's only for visual purposes."

Jungkook sighed, relieved. It'd be hella awkward if Taehyung would've heard his chat with Yugyeom.

Thinking of Yugyeom suddenly reminded him something.

"Hey Yoongi!"

"Is it alright if I bring my bestfriend and his boyfriend to the party on Saturday?"

Yoongi thought for a moment.

"Of course it is Kook. You can bring whoever you want. It's a beach side party...Jimin will text you the time and exact location, if he hasn't already." Yoongi smiled, knowing Jungkook would ask him about the place and stuff

Jungkook smiled back. And they both stared at each other.

Just then Taehyung walked in, like he owned the room, and stopped in his tracks, as he saw the two boys staring at each other.

He coughed to gain their attention.

Jungkook was startled as he saw Taehyung standing there, glaring at him.

"I need you to help me out. Get your lazy ass into my cabin. NOW!" Taehyung spoke, looking at Jungkook

Jungkook nodded deftly, as he turned back to look at Yoongi, who was trying to hide his smile seeing Jungkook so intimidated by Taehyung.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and mouthed a "not funny!" to Yoongi, who chuckled making Jungkook smile.

He followed Taehyung into the cabin.

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