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Taehyung sighed for the 5th time that day, after his receptionist had informed him about his new secretary.

Dressed in a tuxedo and Gucci shoes, he reclined back in his seat, closing his eyes and thinking about his life. As far as he could remember, he didn't want this.

He didn't want to become a Ceo of his dad's company. He had wanted to become a doctor. But his dad had almost choked when he got to know. Being the only son and heir to the company, his dad was more worried about who will take over after his death. Taehyung really had no choice. If only...if only his mom was alive...she'd have convinced his stupid dad to not force their son into something he disliked.

Thinking about his mom always made Taehyung gulp in sadness. She was the only one he'd ever loved, and his dad took that away.

Being a bright and athletic student right from his kidgartens, he was the most obvious choice for becoming the school president, then the college president, and now, finally the Ceo.

He loved listening to all the students talk about their lives, and problems as the president, but being a Ceo, he hated the very face of all his workers. Except for his receptionist, Yoongi, who was also his friend.

But his hatred for all his workers combined, could never overtake the hatred  he felt for his dad. Not only for forcing him into the family business, but also for killing his mom.

Taehyung's life seemed pretty smooth for outsiders, afterall, he was the son of one of the most richest and respected man in South Korea. But what they never saw, was the fact that his mom and dad never got along. Problems started between them after Taehyung was born. He was too young to understand why they fought. They had accused each other of everything possible ; cheating, impotency and what not.

He never took sides. He used to silently lock himself away in his  room and study to distract himself. Probably one of the reasons why he used to get straight As. His mom was proud of his scores and his athletic attitude. But his dad barely gave a shit. He tried hard, like really hard to please his dad, but at a certain point, he practically gave up.

It was a Friday afternoon, when 14-year-old Taehyung happily returned from school, with a report card in his hand. He had gotten straight As in everything. He couldn't wait to show it to his mom.

The front door was open, to his surprise, and when he entered, his life changed forever. In front of him was the dead body of his mom, soaked in a puddle of blood. His dad sat beside her, weeping bitterly. His hands were bloodied. Taehyung did the math. He didn't move, nor did he cry. He went straight to his room and slammed the door.

He came out only when his bestfriend Jimin had knocked the door, shouting for him. He remembers coming out, to see the spot where his mom had been lying, to be cleaned out completely.

He realised it had been 2 days since he was inside. Jimin had pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. He hugged back, but didn't weep, nor say anything.

He wondered why the cops never arrested his dad. Jimin's dad was a cop afterall. But he later realised that his dad must've used his influence over them.

He had stopped talking to his dad. He didn't even live with him in the same house anymore. He lived in a separate house that he had gotten as one of the privileges of being the Ceo.

It had been 9 years since the incident. Yet, he still hated his dad, and everyone around him. Jimin, Yoongi and their friends were the only ones he trusted and loved. 

His dad had simply just walked in to his room to tell him that he was retiring and Taehyung had to be the new Ceo now. He didn't argue. He simply heard him say and leave.

And here he was. He thought his dad would leave him alone, once he obeys and becomes the Ceo, but nah, he came back 6 months later just to tell him that he'll need a secretary, he can't manage alone.

And the secretary would strictly be a guy, since his dad didn't trust him around with girls. They'd just be a distraction to Taehyung afterall. He wasn't wrong though. Taehyung had his fair share of hook-ups in college. He might've been a good student and athlete, but he was a total fuckboy too. He had dated and dumped over 60-70 girls and had one-night stands with over a hundred girls.

He sighed. He hated the very look of this office, and his cabin. How would he manage to bear a secretary, that too someone whom his dad had chosen.

Taehyung wondered what the secretary had done to get this job and get approved by his dad. Might've seduced him or something. Or probably licked his ass and flattered him.

His dad wasn't someone to get pleased easily, Taehyung knew that from experience.

Anyway, he'd check this guy out. And make sure he leaves or gets fired very soon.

Taehyung impatiently checked the time on his Rolex watch. This new guy was already 5 minutes late for his interview.

Taehyung didn't even know the point if this interview. His dad had chosen him anyway, it's not like Taehyung could reject him?

And as if speaking of the devil, he heard a harsh knock on his cabin door.

"Come in." he said in his naturally deep voice

And as soon as the figure stepped in, Taehyung was met with a handsome guy, whose hair had been ruffled and was panting hard.

"I'm sorry...for being late." the guy spoke, still panting

Taehyung smirked.

"I hate late-comers, I can pretty much fire you for that."

And the guy sighed, wiping off his sweaty forehead, knowing he had fucked up.

The very first chapter! ❤ Do give me your views :)

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