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It had been a while since Jungkook woke up and they had breakfast together in his room, since Taehyung knew he was still too weak to walk.

Jungkook hadn't uttered a single word and refused to look at him, focusing on eating the whole time. Taehyung would be lying if he said he didn't feel anything at that, but he knew he deserved it.

Right after they were done with breakfast, Jungkook turned away from him and lay down in his bed again.

Taehyung went downstairs to wash the dishes. He wanted to know the entire story, specifically why Jungkook had moved in with him. He was quite sure Jungkook hadn't asked for this. He could ask either his dad or Jungkook. He doubted he'd get any answer from the younger now. Yet, he tried his luck.

He went upstairs and observed Jungkook, knowing pretty well that he hadn't been sleeping.

"Jungkook," he called softly and felt a pang when he saw the younger flinch.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise," his voice bore an urgency that Jungkook couldn't recognise

"What do you want?" Jungkook's voice was barely above a whisper

"Could you tell me what exactly happened? I need to know why you were ousted from your apartment."

Jungkook chuckled, getting up slowly.
His chuckle was anything but humorous.

"I wanted you to hear it yesterday, barely a few hours ago. You weren't in the mood to listen. Well, now, I'm not in the mood to talk. You can kindly leave me alone."

Taehyung felt his heart sink. Jungkook had never used this tone with him, not even when he quit his job.

"But rest assured, I didn't come here on my own. I'd never want to live with a man like you, even if I was to be offered a shit ton of money."

Every word coming out of his mouth acted like poison and Taehyung felt his heart sinking deeper and deeper.

Taehyung didn't trust himself to speak and hence, just nodded slowly.

Jungkook scoffed and turned away, his own heart breaking. He didn't want to talk to him so roughly, but he was hurt, both physically and mentally on how Taehyung dealt with the situation yesterday. He knew Taehyung was suffering due to him, he wouldn't mind of Taehyung had chosen to ignore his existence or not talk to him, but he wouldn't tolerate any sort of physical abuse.

Jungkook was a well-built man, and a punch, no matter how hard it was, wouldn't do much to damage him physically, but unfortunately, he wasn't as mentally optimistic to tolerate that.

He turned around again, only to see Taehyung gone. He sighed and turned back again, controlling his urge to get up and rush after him to check up on him.

He stopped himself before he could actually run up to him. He knew he deserved some decency and respect from Taehyung, and he wouldn't give it to him when all he receives is a load of bullcrap from him.


"Taehyung, you're such an asshole!" the older muttered for the 10th time in the last 15 minutes.

He had seen this coming, and he determined that the only way to apologise for everything would be to find out who's the guy Jungkook's repaying. And Taehyung may or may not be planning to pay the full the amount. He knew that didn't really serve any purpose, but he realised that it would take Jungkook his entire lifetime to pay back. Taehyung could do it in a snap of a finger. What was he gonna do with all this money anyway? He didn't want it, so why not invest in a good cause.

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