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They spent the weekend like usual – Taehyung getting busy with work and Jungkook spending most of his time in the cafè. The only and biggest difference was that they were talking to each other now, no, not mere retorts of sarcasm or criticism, but actual talking. Asking each other how their day went, lending a ear to listen to each other's problems and stuff like that.

It still felt all new and strange to Jungkook, he still couldn't believe that he was talking, making jokes and cracking up at stupid stuff along with Taehyung. If someone had told him a few months ago that they'd share this sort if relationship with each other one day, he would've cracked up. But he was definitely loving this side of Taehyung's, where he wasn't so stern or serious all the time.

A firm knock alerted Jungkook of someone's arrival, and he immediately straightened up, fixing his attire in order to not seem like he was just daydreaming about Taehyung. The younger mumbled a shy "come in," and was pleasantly surprised to see Taehyung.

"Since when do you knock before entering someone's cabin?" Jungkook giggled

"Isn't that basic decency, hmm?" Taehyung spoke as he playfully wiggled his eyebrows

Jungkook chuckled.

"You literally used to barge into my cabin initially, don't blame me for being surprised," Jungkook laughed

Taehyung rolled his eyes, though his lips were twitching to suppress a smile.

"We don't talk about the idiotic Taehyung of the past in this house. I'm a changed man now," Taehyung raised his shoulders up, wriggling them

"What's with you and wriggling every single part of your body!" Jungkook scoffed

"Well you haven't seen my most special organ wriggle yet–"

Taehyung felt a smack on his chest. He looked down to find a very red Jungkook.

"Don't even finish that sentence."

"I meant my ears, Kooks. Only 20% of the world population can do that," Taehyung feigned innocence

"Oh." Jungkook became redder by the second, cursing his entire existence for opening his big ass mouth.

"What did you think....?" Taehyung whispered into Jungkook's ear, bending down

"N-Nothing," Jungkook squirmed, his ears feeling extra sensitive

"I don't believe yo–"

"Shit, sorry I didn't mean to disturb!" Evelyn's voice boomed across the cabin

Jungkook jumped at the impact but Taehyung remained unfazed, barely turning around to see Evelyn.

"You're right, you are disturbing us, so next time, knock before simply entering Jungkook's cabin."

Evelyn turned red as she hastily nodded and left the cabin, shutting the door behind her.

"Must you be so rude, always?" Jungkook frowned at Taehyung

"Kooks, she's been nothing but a bitch to you. How do you feel so compassionate towards her? I can't be soft towards every single person I encounter, darling,"

Jungkook smiled slightly, looking up at Taehyung.

"You've been a jerk towards me too. I've forgiven you, haven't I? There's no point in treating people like shit all the time, it troubles both you and the other person. Go on, make peace with her, you'll feel better, trust me." Jungkook smiled

Taehyung stared at him for a few moments before pecking his cheek and getting up.

"Just for you." He smiled

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