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"Don't you think you forgave him too easily?" Jimin mumbled, staring at Jungkook, who was sitting across him in a small coffee shop

Jungkook looked at him and could only sigh.

"What do you mean, Chim?"

"Tae's my bestfriend. I obviously care for him, but I genuinely think you should've made him suffer a bit."

At Jungkook's look of scrutiny, Jimin coughed awkwardly.

"I'm happy things are fine between you guys, but how are you sure he wouldn't hurt you anymore? It's only been what? Like, 2 weeks."

"Jimin...I understand your concerns but, I really can't deal with so much of distance and arguments anymore. I'm selfish...I saw a chance to fix the relationship and took it. I'm scared of getting hurt again, but this is the longest we've gone without arguments. That counts as progress, doesn't it?"

Jungkook had woke up super early and called up Jimin to meet him in a coffee shop, and 40 minutes later, here they were. The younger had written that he'd be out and come back soon in a small sticky note for Taehyung. He didn't want to distress the older again.

"Kooks, I'm really really happy for both you and Tae. I don't think I've seen him so cheerful and relaxed in a long time, but he still hasn't come out yet...I don't see how this will work out. Are you guys just gonna live together as friends? Or be a part of an open relationship?"

"Jiminie, calm down. We'll work it out. I don't have any idea either...but an open relationship is a huge no."


"I don't like the thought of him being with anyone else. And neither can I imagine myself with anyone else." Jungkook pouted

Jimin smiled fondly. He hoped Taehyung wouldn't fuck up whatever they had now.

And in the silence, Jungkook's head knobs twisted and his eyes suddenly widened.

"Wait...did you just say he hasn't come out yet?"

"Yeah...if he has come out, I'm not aware of it." Jimin raised an eyebrow

"So that means...he isn't entirely straight, right?"

Jimin couldn't help but laugh at the innocent question.

"There's nothing straight about him, Jungkookie. I'm surprised you haven't noticed yet."

Jungkook frowned, huffing.

"That's what everyone keeps saying! How are you guys so sure!!"

"I was in denial earlier, but Yoongi made me realise that I was wrong. Even Taehyung's dad knows it. He's the reason why Tae pretends to be straight."

"Yoongi too?! Okay, you guys definitely need to let me on in the secret you guys are hiding." Jungkook mumbled the last part

Jimin cooed.

"It's nothing much, really. Tae admitted to liking both boys and girls when he was 13. Now, that could've been an innocent 'phase'. But the close skinship he shared with boys his age as a form of rebellion after his mom's death, definitely wasn't a phase."

Jungkook blinked.

"Uh...could you elaborate further?"

"Sinple. His dad wanted Tae to become 'a man', and he hated his dad after whatever he did to his mom. It was his goal to defy whatever his dad believed in, and till 17, he kept hanging out with guys, holding hands, staying over at their place and stuff. He never slept with any of them, or atleast, not that I know of."

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