Part 43

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Hannah B layed a half asleep April on the couch. "Do you have anything she can take?" Sterling asked Noah.
"We have ibuprofen?"
"That'll do for now" she sighed. "If you see Ezekiel tell him she's sleeping in his room tonight."
"Yeah ok... Sterling I'm sorry about earlier I.. I... I shouldn't have done it" he stuttered nervously. "Hey it's fine" Sterling smiled. Obviously Blair was giving Noah the death stare but this time it seemed deadlier. "April" Sterling whispered. "April" she whispered again a little louder. This time April heard her. "Yes" she whispered back not opening her eyes. "I need you to sit up and take this" Sterling directed. April slowly sat up and opened her eyes, immediately closing them again. "Can you please turn the light off" Hannah B flipped the switch. April took the Ibuprofen from Sterling's hand, swallowed it, took a sip of water, closed her eyes and layed back down.

"We need to move her into Ezekiel's room" Sterling whispered. "Noah come here." Noah walked over nearly tripping over the carpet. "Can you carry her into Ezekiel's room Please?" Noah sighed and gently lifted April. Sterling turned on a lamp, just incase, and instructed everyone to leave the room. "Do you think she'll be okay?" Hannah B asked.
"Yeah I'm sure it's nothing serious" Sterling replied trying to reassure her. "Ima head off to sleep now. By the way the couch pulls out" Morgan had already thrown up twice so it's probably best that he goes to sleep. "You two can sleep on the couch" Sterling smiled looking at Blair and Hannah B. "And where are you planning on sleeping?" Blair asked whilst simultaneously giving her a death stare. "I'll just sleep on the floor something"

Sterling grabbed a cup and poured water into it. She quietly opened the door to Ezekiel's room, April had shifted positions to laying on her stomach. She looked peaceful and unproblematic. Sterling placed the glass on the bed side table and placed her hand on April's forehead to see if she still had a fever. Her head felt the same and her ears were still bright red. A rush of guilt come over Sterling, maybe if she had gone after her sooner April wouldn't have ended up in a cold parking lot at 1am on her own. "Hannah B you're doing it wrong"
"No you're doing it wrong, I'm doing it right" Sterling got up to see what's going on. "Sterl?" April whispered.
"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Sterling rushed to get her words out. "Can you lay down?"
"Uhh yeah sure"
"I'm sorry"
"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed Noah"
"I'm not mad about that or anything... I see why you would do it. I treated you like shit since the 5th grade. We barely ever talked, then we ended up together for a project and before you know it I'm making out with you in an arcade. You know that one week that we were together I felt happy for the first time in a while. But as always I managed to fuck things up as always."
April was crying and Sterling was listening.
"I got so scared when you asked me to hold your hand at the lock-in. After that for the rest of highschool I couldn't look at you without getting butterflies and immediately feeling guilty. I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry for treating you like shit, I'm sorry for breaking your heart at the lock-in, I'm so-"
"April you don't need to apologize" Sterling cut her off. "We both made mistakes we wish we could take back but can't." Hearing Sterling say this called April down. "Can you stay here for the night?" April asked.
"Of course" Sterling smiled. April turned on her side and Sterling inched closer to her, she wrapped her arm around April. Highschool Sterling would be going crazy right now.


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