April pov

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Hannah B and I walked to my dorm. I figured that Sterling would go help Blair out so I had some time to prepare. When I opened the door, I got blasted by the smell of fresh paint which was strange yet pleasant. I placed my bags down in the middle room and tested both beds. The right one was comfy but extremely loud and the left one was less comfy but quite. I chose the bed on the right mainly because the one on the left had a weird stain.

Hannah B wasn't much of a help, she mainly talked about how much she was going to miss Ezekiel or how annoying it was that we weren't roommates.

I was hanging up pictures of me, Ezekiel and Hannah B when I saw the one Luke had given me to put on my bedside table. I couldn't put that up. It'd be unfair to Sterling. I quickly put it in a tub and slid it under my bed.

I finished setting up my side of the room. Me and Hannah B started talking about school and our classes before we knew it hours had passed.

Hannah B got her stuff and set off for her room. I sat on my bed when a message from Luke had come through.
It read "I feel like you're becoming distant" for some reason I was relieved by that. "Can we call" as much as I didn't want to talk to Luke about our relationship I knew I had to.

I dialled Luke's number. My phone started ringing. "Hey Luke" I said I quietly. He started talking about how much he misses me and blah blah blah. I couldn't break up with him not yet so instead I told him I needed space.

I sat on my bed tears running down my face, there's no way I could keep this going for much longer.

The door opened

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