April pov

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There was a knock at the door. I thought it was Hannah B, "come in" I said quickly rubbing away the tears. The door flew open. WHAT WAS MY DAD DOING HERE!?!?!
"Dad? What are you doing here" I questioned shocked to the core.
"Well I wanted to surprise you"

I got up to hug him. He asked me how school was going and we got to talking... That was until Sterling came back. The moment she saw my dad a terrified expression appeared on her face.

The room was silent for a while, my dad was the one to break the silence.
"April I thought you were in a room with Hannah B?" "Uhhh dad do you want to grab a coffee and talk?" Is all I could I say.

I shot a look over to Sterling who now looked confused and hurt. I followed my dad out of the room, without looking back.

We went to the same cafe that me and Sterling had been to just the night before. There wasn't much me and my dad had to talk about, I just had to explain that there was a misunderstanding and I forgot to mention it to him. I offered to go out for coffee to get away from Sterling, the two of them had only given eachother cold glares since my dad told me about the arrest.

He asked if I was okay with sharing a room with Sterling "yeah, we get on ok"
I wasn't really focusing on what he was saying, Sterlings face wouldn't leave my mind.

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