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The two girls picked up their jackets and set off. Neither of them had spoken a word till they got to the cafe. They sat down, Sterling opened her mouth but didn't say anything. She tried again this time the words actually came out of her mouth. "What were you upset about earlier?" April sighed and told her everything. She told her about Luke and how their relationship was never meant to last this long, she told her about how she wanted to end it with him but she didn't have the guts to break his heart, she also told her about everything going on with her dad.

Sterling sat and listened carefully, she just let her talk without being interrupted. She couldn't help but feel sorry for April, she couldn't imagine what she was going through. Having to be with someone who you have no interests in just so your dad doesn't get suspicious. Soon the girls were talking about school and how much the both missed Ellen.

April thought about how she enjoyed talking to Sterling. After she was the only person who she could talk to about basically anything. Time flew by as the two girls spoke.

A lady walked over to them kindly asking them to leave as they were closing. April checked her phone. It was 8pm. On their way back to the dorm their pinkies brushed together, neither of the girls moved their hand. Sterling smiled to herself hoping that moment would last forever.

Back at their dorm both girls sat down on their beds. Sterling began reading, and April picked up her phone and wrote one single message.
"We need to break up"

Stepril - A College TaleWhere stories live. Discover now