Sterling pov

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I lay on Blair's bed. I couldn't stop thinking about the moment that me and April had. She may not have said anything but the look in her eyes just fueled my feelings for her.

For a split second I was excited to be roommates, then I remembered she was with Luke.

I was over Luke I had been for a while now but it still hurt to see them together. My heart ached for Luke. First I broke his heart and now he was in love with a girl who had no interests in him. My mind couldn't help but wonder what would've been if I hadn't pushed April to come out or if I'd told her about me and Blair arresting her dad.

I shivered thinking about how she'd reacted.

It was a week after the lock in. We were in fellowship when April asked me to stay behind after we were done. I thought that she was going to apologize for how she acted or maybe would try to clear the air. Let me tell you something, boy was I wrong.

She made sure that everyone left before she began yelling at me about how I'd betrayed her. I wasn't sure what she was talking about. She carried on yelling, when she said that I'd ruined her family I finally caught on. I had no words. Nothing could justify what I did I should have told her about me and Blair arresting her dad. But on the other hand I couldn't break a twin swear.

I must've been in my head for hours because when I snapped back into reality Hannah B was walking into the room. I got up, hugged Blair, said hi to Hannah, picked up my bags and walked over to my dorm

I stood outside the door figuring what to do when I got in. Should I say hi, should I just smile or should I just completely ignore her. I decided that the last one was a terrible option.

I turned the door handle and pushed the door open...

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