Sterling pov

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I was terrified to see Mr Stevens. What was he doing here? I looked at April who wouldn't take her eyes off the ground. Her dad looked just as shocked to see me as I was to see him. He was the first to break the silence. April hadn't mentioned that we were sharing a room?

I put the cup of coffee down and messaged Blair. She said that she couldn't talk since she was about to enter an exam. I didn't know who else to message, I put Fine Line on. It was reserved for when I was having a bad day and today was one of those days.

I tried to studying for a pop quiz I had later that day but I couldn't shake the feeling of seeing Mr Stevens stood in my dorm. Me and April had to talk, even though we spoke for hours the day before we'd barely scratched the surface..

If I wanted to survive I had to make sure that we were on the same page about everything, including our relationship, we she got back I was going to be straight with her. No getting too caught up in my feelings. She was dating Luke and we could never be a thing.

Oh but how badly I just wanted to kiss her lips again, my heart ached thinking about the moment she kissed me back but it shattered thinking about the night of the lock in.

Stepril - A College TaleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang