part 38

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"so you're over 21?" Sterling asked after the officer drove away. "What makes you say that?" He flashed her another smile. "You managed to by alcohol" Sterling found it hard to take her eyes off him, her eyes were glued to either him or her phone. "Fake ID" he replied to her proudly. Both of them chuckled. Sterling picked up his phone and put on a song.

Back at Ezekiel's apartment all hell had broken loose. Hannah B and Blair were doing what they do best, be useless, April had resorted to yelling at everyone. Ezekiel was still decorating and Elijah and Morgan were busy making a playlist changing every song after ten seconds. Sterling hurled 4 bags of groceries up the stairs and into the apartment, she took a few deep breaths before crashing down onto the couch. Elijah helped Noah carry everything else into the apartment. By the time everything was ready it was 18:45.

"Do you want to go on a walk" Blair whispered rather loudly into Sterlings ear. "Why" Sterling answered not taking her eyes off her phone. "I need to talk to you" Blair whispered again, this time quieter. "Fine"

The two sisters walked besides eachother in silence. Even though they didn't share a womb they were still sisters. They had been they're whole life and they didn't see a reason why that should change just because Debbie wasn't Sterling's mum. "When I said me and Hannah B had a thing I think you misunderstood me" Blair started after while "I meant as in we have a friendship thing going... I didn't realize that your mind might would straight away think we're together" Sterling was surprised that Blair's tone was neutral. "Blair are you okay?" They stopped walking and sat on a bench, Blair leaned her head on Sterlings shoulder "Is it that obvious I'm not?" No one said anything for a while. "I think I like Hannah B" Blair burst out running Sterlings train of thought. "Oh wow" Sterling was grinning now.
"What should I do?" -B

"Blair you're asking a bisexual disaster for relationship advice?" -S

"When you put it like that it sounds like a bad idea" -B

"Too bad you're stuck with me" -S

"But seriously I don't know what to do" -B

"You both seem pretty into eachother so why not just go for it" -S

"Can you expand?" -B

"I think you both like eachother... So just go for it" -S

"What am I supposed to do? Kiss her? -B

"Yeah, you'll both be drunk anyway so you probably won't remember" -S

Both of them laughed. Blair checked her phone "We should probably head back now"

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