part 42

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"So are you and Blair like together now" Sterling asked. "What no why would you say that" Hannah B tried to act like she had no idea what Sterling was talking about but she was an awful liar. "Come on Hannah B I saw you and Blair baking out" Sterlings focus was still mainly on the stars. "I really like Blair and I think she likes me too" Sterling diverted her focus to Hannah B. "Anyway I don't want to talk about that yet" she carried on. "We should focus on finding April"

April pulled into an empty Starbucks parking lot and dialled her dad's number. It went straight to voicemail. She tried it again. Still no answer. She rested her head on her steering wheel. She thought about how much of a mess her life had become. He hates me. She hates me. They hate me. Out of all the people she could've kissed she chose him!

"Wait Hannah B turn around I think I saw her" Sterling exclaimed. Hannah B pulled a probably illegal U turn and drove into a Starbucks parking lot. Sterling scrambled out of the car whilst it was moving and ran over to April who was now sat on a curb with a cup of coffee in her hand. "What are you doing here?" She groaned. "Are you okay?" Sterling asked her. April's eyes started filling up with tears again. "April I need you to know that the kiss meant nothing to me... I'm sorry" Hannah B frantically ran over and hugged April. "Are you okay? I was so worried about you!" She said out of breath. "I guess she wasn't at the park after all"
"What park?" April asked confused.
"The one where your dad told you some story about a prince and princess and how one day you'll find your own prince" Sterling answered.
"I didn't however Hannah B did"
"I don't know what park you were going to but it's not the same one. That ones in Pennsylvania" April laughed.

"You look tired" -HB
"I'm fine" -A
"Are you sure?" -S
"I just want to go and lay in a warm bed and sleep" -A
"Well you can't do that at Ezekiel's house" -HB
"It's fine I'll wait till the party's over" -A
"I'll call Blair to kick everyone out. It's about time everyone went home" Sterling looked at her watch. It's was 1:55am

~phone call~

"Blair can you do me a favour?" -S
"Yes I'll help you hide the body" -B
"What? Are you drunk?" -S
"No just slightly tipsy" -B
"Ok well I need you to kick everyone out. As soon as possible." -S
"Why?" -B
"We have a bit of a situation with April, plus it's like 2am" -S
"Ok but you own me a big one" -B
"I love you" -S
"Shut up" -B

April climbed into Hannah B's car. She was drained physically and emotionally. Hannah B drove sped out of the parking lot and Sterling followed in April's car. Hannah B was silent the whole way back seeing as April had fallen asleep. Sterling listened to the radio it was something she didn't do very often. Morgan and Noah stood by the entrance of the building making sure everyone was leaving.

On the car journey home April developed a high fever and her ears were bright red. "I think she might be coming down with the flu" said Hannah B unbuckling April's seat belt and helping her out of the car.

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