Part 41

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"April... What are you doing here?" Sterling pushed Noah away from here so she could see April. "I can't believe you" April's voice was breaking and her eyes filled up with tears. "Hold up are you two together?" Noah asked lifting an eyebrow. April turned on her heel and walked away. "Stay here" Sterling instructed Noah. "April wait" she yelled running after her.

Hannah B went to run after April but when she saw Blair in the crowd of people she couldn't resist going back to her. "Is April okay?" Blair asked.
"Um no I don't think so"
"It's definitely about Sterling... Her and Noah have gotten awfully close" Blair's tone indicated she disliked Noah. "What are you still doing here go get her" Blair exclaimed.

April's couldn't keep the tears back, she thought that her and Sterling were getting better. She thought that finally they could be together. April promised herself that as soon as she started college she would live her truth and tell her dad the truth about herself. "Oh my dad" she cried out loud. "He still hasn't called me"

When Sterling finally caught up with April she was driving away in her car. "Where is she going?' Hanna B yelled from behind her. "Jeez Hannah B warn a person"
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you... So do you?"
"I don't know where she's going"

Noah had gone back inside and the first thing he saw was Blair giving him the death stare. He didn't want to admit but he got scared when she started walking over to him. "Look I'll cut to the chase, Sterling and April used to be together not that it's any of your business and they're still very clearly into eachother so if you do anything to mess up this thing between them I will make sure you regret it" and just like that she went back over to her new friends. "Well shit" he muttered to himself.

Hannah B tried calling April but it was going straight to voicemail. "Did you see her before she went outside?" -S
"Yeah but she didn't say anything" -HB
"Did she look okay to you" -S
"No not really" "Whatever happened out here anyway?" -HB
"Oh um Noah kissed me and I think she saw" -S
"I think I know where she went" -HB
"Ok where?" Sterling asked frantically.
"We're going to need a car" -HB
"Problem solved I still have Noah's keys"-S

They ran to the parking lot and climbed into the car. "So where are we going?" Sterling asked. "There's this park that her dad took her too once when she was a little girl. When they were there he told her a story about a princess and a prince. When he finished the story he told her that someday she'd also find her own prince and that when she did she'd be the happiest person ever. April wanted to ask him why she couldn't have a princess instead but she never did. I think she's at that park." Hannah B was going slightly over the speed limit. "First of all how do you know this and second of all why did her dad take her to a park like 5 hours away from where they live" Sterling gripped the handle on her door tighter as Hannah B sped up. "I read her diary in the 3rd grade and she had family here so I guess they were visiting."
"Hannah B! That's like a complete invasion of privacy"
"I won't tell if you won't" she chuckled.
"Do you mind slowing down a bit"
"Oh yeah sorry" Hannah B lifted her foot off the gas and Sterling loosened her grip. "Are you and Blair like together now?" Sterling asked looking out her window. The sky was clear and the moon shone brightly. Sterling used to be obsessed with constellations, seeing some of them remind her of all the nights her and Blair would spend laying on the grass in their garden looking up at the sky telling eachother made up stories. A memory that stuck out from the rest was one from the 5th grade. Her, Blair, some other girls from school and April had a sleepover in the spring. Everyone snuck out into the garden when the Wesley folks had fallen asleep. They all took their sleeping bags and favourite teddies. They lay huddled together on the ground and stared at the sky. April would always lay next to Sterling. Sometimes Sterling would catch April looking at her for no reason but she never thought anything of it. Every girl had named their teddy after a boy they liked. April however had named hers after Sterling, she always insisted that it was because she didn't like any boys and Sterling was her best friend so why not name it after her. All of a sudden, it hit Sterling she wasn't just April's best friend she was also one of her Adele's. When Sterling handed April over to another group at recess she'd broken her heart. This whole time April had been in love with Sterling but she couldn't be with her so she convinced herself that she hated Sterling.

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