April pov

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I talked with my dad some more. I could see he genuinely wanted to make our relationship better which felt nice. He seemed to ask a lot of questions which was unusual for him. Usually he'd just talk about himself and his company, he never seemed to care about what was happening in my life.

Talking to him helped me decide something. If I wanted to live my truth this was the moment to. Before my dad left I was going to come out. After all this is what I was waiting for, to be out from under his roof and somewhere where I could be loved and accepted for who I am. I was prepared for him to disown me but living like this wasn't what I had in mind for myself. I knew I could always count on Hannah B, Ezekiel and hopefully Sterling.

My dad checked his watch, apologized and said he had to leave. "Dad wait" my voice was shaking. "There's something I have to tell you" he sat back down with an anxious look on his face. "You may dislike what I'm about to tell you" "But if I want to live my life the way I want to then I have to do this" he raised an eyebrow. "Dad I...I I'm gay" there I did it. I couldn't take the words back, I'd said them and he'd heard them.

Stepril - A College Taleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें